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Search results to a flour and mix it with indian meal & bake it in form of bread under 4 or 5 inches in length, soft & pulpy, full of an agreeable ... Take this medication before a meal and/or at bedtime, and try to take any...into a glass of water, milk, heavy or pulpy fruit juices such as ...
...or scrape Irish Potatoes to a soft pulpy Mass; mix some common Salt finely powder’d;...Blessings flow From frugal temperate Meals; ’tis they bestow ...
...hickory nuts are a tasty, high-energy meal for many woodland animals. Small mammals...classified as berries. They are large and pulpy, resembling ...
When prepared, acorns were ground into meal, leached to remove the tannic acid characterized by a large seed and pulpy flesh. The Chumash ...
...nesting site. Native Americans ate the pulpy fruits of this and related shrubby...they also dried and ground them into meal for winter use. The coarse ...
...products 41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements Date Published: 05/28/2015...05/22/2015 41 - - - -- Dietary Conv Food/Meal Replacements Date ...
When prepared, acorns were ground into meal, leached to remove the tannic acid characterized by a large seed and pulpy flesh. In addition to ...
...eating ai b. The use of rations ai c. Meals supplied the survivors by the or following the evening or noca meals was observed and ...
...1480 1018 8.880 203 0.162 43.51 thin, Pulpy 6 Jan. 1305 1019 8.220 87.3 0.041 43...the experiment she vmited the whole meal. I there- fore reduced the ...
Crush the plant or stems. • Make a pulpy mass. (4) Treatments. (a) Chew on twigs...poultice for aches and sprains. • Apply pulpy mass over injury. • ...
...a new loaf muat be baked using the pulpy mass obtained. The medical personnel...with breadcrumbs choppe, meat or fish meal; 9) zinc phosphide; 10) ...
...such Inges- tion, such as in between meal snacks, will result in an appreciable...nutritive elements eaten at regular meals and contain- ing the least ...
Raw materials such as nuts and corn meal which are susceptible to aflatoxin contamination...resulting oil is further refined and the meal is usually ...
...sterilized at the same time. The shells and pulpy gills are easily removed after cooking...grains) each day after the evening meal. Seldom seen but ...
...tan to light brown in color and has a pulpy, granular, slightly moist, oily texture...light brown in color and will have a pulpy, granular, slightly ...
...#40 (ALLURA RED AC); Biagio's Classic Meals Inc. Date Published : 09/18/2009 26...Accra, GHANA 02 G - - 99 Flours and Meals N.E.C. Date Published ...
With lure, bait, line and pole, One meal or more is his solemn goal Eyes looking...mother told me in a voice gone soft and pulpy with grief, that the ...
...seeds of this plant when made into meal and cooked are said to have furnished...Before using, the grain was made into meal by being ground by hand in ...
...understandable how a boiled egg or a covert good meal from the Chinese mess provided ,39White...(the h-Pld oon~i .'is pnisr~n), Their meals consibted ...