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...moment that I truly realized just how precious life is." Courtesy photo from Tech...veterans," said Redford. "My lovely bride, Jennifer, and I both ... dare to trust himself with so precious a charge; though if he were only to...Schuyler was, of course, the future bride of H and the second daughter ...
Your way with people is a rare and precious resource. The fundamental importance...exceedingly well done. You and your lovely bride, Sydney, have ...
Command Brig. Gen. Jim Iacocca and his bride Sandy and the Iacocca team. Jim is...taking care of people, our Army's most precious resource. When you ...
...of his Christ that is that, the true Bride or Church is reconcil’d to her husband...She that abounds in Gold Silver and precious Stones and fine ...
...the further consumption of the same precious article time, though in a more pleasing...Elizabeth Anne Crosby (1782–1865). The bride was the orphaned ..., thank you for sharing your precious last days with us. But it really for the rest of time: “Follow the bride.” So well done, in coming ...
...mines in Europe both for gold and precious stones besides its mines of silver...iron lead, sulphur and nitre. The precious stones are carbuncles ...
...rumors, and anecdotes of a second precious mattress. Along with us came (I shall...acne. The milk, I pleaded, was too precious! It was for these men ... at least a decade older. Child brides are more likely to drop out of school...addition, school can offer something precious to uprooted children ...
...many natural resources, the most precious is its people, and they deserve freedom...Burmese women being sold to China as brides? Do you have any ...
...the last available space. Time is precious, since the danger of encroachment...Menasha Record, Menasha, WI “Is the Bride of a Captain” ; Page 1 ...
...roses, orchids, and stephanotis, the bride appeared in a gown of white farm. Deeply concerned with the precious land’s fate, Irene ...
..."honeymoon" was driving to Ann Arbor with his bride so they could attend a brunch before...a beautiful girl named Betty as his bride. Fifty-eight ...
...home in Hiram. It was suggested to the bride-to-be by her brother Joe that she send...ceremony. A guest stated that “the bride and her maids were a ... with American Families as a precious national resource, has any serious...members' individual and family needs, precious national resource," has ...
...members' individual and family needs, precious national resource," has any which...of Congress, and the President new bride was dramatically ...
...would like to ·. introduce you to my bride, Betty Ford. . MORE '. OVER) Page 2...mightier t~an our armaments, more precious than our· 'great store'' ...
Oriental Tales are: The Giaour (1813), The Bride of Abydos (1813), The Corsair (1814)...example of such a "union with nature as a bride," the answer ...
...woman of charming personality. [“Future Bride Was Introduced Into White House Circle...1915] In short, the Sun reported, “the bride-elect of President ...