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...the command of known species, and piquant cures have been made in this state...suddenly fatal, or be attended with mental derangement—However Doctor ...
Our new question answering system, PIQUANT, adopts this flexible architecture...answering agents currently implemented in PIQUANT vary both in terms ...
...bottomland hardwoods in the Bayou Bois Piquant area in St. Charles Parish. Plan 1...quality wetlands in the Bayou Bois Piquant area in St. Charles ...
Tasks 4 and 8. 3 Stress, Nutrition and Mental Performance Laboratory continues multidisciplinary...interactions of stressors and nutrition on mental ...
... Tibet has tried to keep environ- mental pollution to the minimum by cooperation on environ- mental matters. On economic ...
...mission was to investigate Pakistani mentalities and to find out how to keep Pakistanis...another action. If this was just a mental reaction, then we ... that the leaders themselves are mentally and physically spent from their yearlong...counseling, financial management seminars, mental health ...
Etudes epidemiologiques et expert. mentales sur la fievre boutonneus, faites a...(1951). 76. Serre, P.A. Insectes piquantes et parasites au Costa ...
...prisoners-egged on by a secret police mental pollution, and that the harder they...problems of the GDR. The GDR has a funda- mental interest in ...
...sources are fixed primarily on the piquant side of events. The formula is religion. This is a funda- mental precept of Islam ...
...chronic mental illness, temporary disturbance of the mind or mental deficiency...the offender to be suffering from a mental illness or weak-minded; g) ...
...prisoners-egged on by a secret police mental pollution, and that the harder they...problems of the GDR. The GDR has a funda- mental interest in ...
...of every stripe. That is our funda- mental credo. Decency. The common denominator...Foreign Affairs was notified. What is piquant regarding the entire ... those not on drugs, alcohol, or mentally disturbed). Alcohol ingestion did...that OC was more effective on the mentally disturbed than on suspects ...
Rangia shell along the shores of Bayou Piquant and Lake Ponchartrain (Louisiana State...between cultural and religious groups. Mental constructs based ...
...a product of the new information mentality? ['Ashrawi] This was part of the...the Soviet Union. This is another mentality. Another kind of people." ...
...people's representatives. Already a piquant situation is developing between the...too freely. We have to change that mentality because nothing comes ...
...qualitatively new basis is likewise a funda- mental task in this context. Here, in my opinion...Whatever fragments are more meaningful or piquant are ...
One can get an idea of the skinhead mentality from some of their statements made...but that is in keeping with their mentality. [Tichy] You are ...
Kazakh numbers, there have been funda- mental changes in the ethnic composition of...male camps they produce bras, a very piquant and delicate type of ...