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What was Pioneer 10? Pioneer 10 was NASA’s first mission to the outer planets...Objective(s) Jupiter Flyby Spacecraft Pioneer-F Spacecraft Mass 569 ...
What was Pioneer 3? Pioneer 3 was the first of two U.S. Army launches to the...Pioneer 3 Type Flyby Launch Dec. 6, 1958 Target Earth's Moon Objective ...
Pioneer 11 was the first mission to explore Saturn and the second spacecraft...Pioneer 11 Type Flyby Launch April 6, 1973 Target Jupiter and Saturn ...
What was Pioneer Venus 1? NASA’s Pioneer Venus 1 was the first of a two-spacecraft...Objective(s) Venus Orbit Spacecraft Pioneer Venus Orbiter […]...P ...
What was Pioneer Venus 2? Pioneer Venus 2, the sistership to Pioneer Venus 1...Pioneer Venus 2 Type Probe Launch Aug. 8, 1978 Target Venus Objective ...
Able 4B, also known as Pioneer P-3, was part of a U.S. push to get to the Moon...Able 4B (Pioneer P-3) Type Orbiter Launch Nov. 26, 1959 Target ...
Able 2 (Pioneer 1) Pioneer 1 / Able 2 Type Orbiter Launch Aug. 17, 1958 Target...Study the Moon Able 2, later named Pioneer 1, was the first ...
Along with Pioneers 7, 8, and 9, Pioneer 6 formed a ring of solar weather stations...Pioneer 06 Type Orbiter Launch Dec. 16, 1965 Target Sun-Earth ...
...or simply read about our mission to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific...Radiation Belt Mission to Honor Pioneering Scientist ...
Benerito was an American chemist and pioneer in bioproducts. Benerito is credited...Edith Clarke Edith Clarke was a pioneering electrical engineer at ...
...slowing of NASA's Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft – the so-called "Pioneer Anomaly" – Study Finds Heat is Source of ‘Pioneer Anomaly’ NASA Science ...
Pioneer 5 provided the first map of the interplanetary magnetic field....Pioneer 5 Type Orbiter Launch March 11, 1960 Target Solar System, Universe ...
Pioneer 8 sent back data from interplanetary space for nearly 30 years....Pioneer 8 Type Orbiter Launch Dec. 13, 1967 Target Sun-Earth Interaction ...
What was Pioneer 7? Pioneer 7 was launched to a heliocentric orbit to study...the solar wind. On March 20, 1986, Pioneer 7 flew within 7.5 million ...
...or simply read about our mission to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific...More 12.12.07 - Supersonic Flight Pioneer Welcomed Into ...
Pioneer 9 contributed to the first dedicated study of the space between the...Pioneer 9 Type Orbiter Launch Nov. 8, 1968 Target Sun-Earth Interaction ...
Along with Pioneers 7, 8, and 9, Pioneer 6 formed a ring of solar weather stations...Pioneer 06 Type Orbiter Launch Dec. 16, 1965 Target Sun-Earth ...
...30 years, it appears the venerable Pioneer 10 spacecraft has sent its last signal...3 min read Pioneer 10 Sends Last Signal NASA Science Editorial ...
...first to explore beyond Mars were Pioneers 10 and 11, twin robots who charted...4 min read 10 Facts about the Pioneer Spacecraft NASA Science ...
The historic Pioneer Courthouse in Portland, OR is currently undergoing renovations...Pioneer Courthouse Project updates The Pioneer Courthouse ...