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...from saved state. A protocol for optimistic rollback recovery must recover the...level of partial order time potential knowledge of failures and ...
... whereas existing methods using optimistic message logging may cause large delays...logging and may also delay propagating knowledge of their logging ...
...created repeated losses of local knowledge as unit-level operational focus swung...the merits of optimistic versus pessimistic generals.55 Optimistic ...
A vision that is simultaneously optimistic and affordable; practical and, I...and other nations, are building the knowledge base that is a critical ... in the creation of basic knowledge, so the technologies of tomorrow...explorations of nature produced the knowledge that enabled a vision ...
...hear firsthand, is that all of this knowledge and scholarship is delivered with...And whether to greet the future optimistically or pessimistically ...
...with poor foundations and inadequate knowledge for developing realistic cost estimates...artificially low cost estimates, optimistic schedules and ...
...had the tagline, “Pockets full of knowledge,” and each book was to be mass-produced...Pockets of Knowledge Home/CKO Blogspot/CKO News/Pockets of Knowl ...
...they serve to support the continued knowledge-building around this historic event...charming, progressive, youthful, optimistic, caring and ...
...doing it; they're optimistic about the future. The more optimistic kids are about...made to our history, our values, our knowledge, to our music and ...
...latency by increasing concurrency. Optimistically assuming the results of one computation...they depend on the assumed result. Optimistic techniques ...
...have been advanced in favor of the optimistic solution to concurrency control....This new algorithm switches from an optimistic mode of detecting and ...
...and an incremental algorithm for optimistic recovery, and an implementation and...and a performance evaluation of optimistic recovery 4 Preliminary ...
...presented. The methods used are optimistic in the sense that rely mainly on...Accession Number: ADA081452 Title: On Optimistic Methods for Concurrency ...
...distributed file system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first formal analysis...protocols, but also practical given the optimistic nature ...
...soldiers seem to believe that the knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained from...downsizing, minority soldiers are more optimistic about the Armys ...
Humans tend to be overly optimistic about the future, sometimes underestimating...only and may not reflect current knowledge or information ...
...with poor foundations and inadequate knowledge for developing realistic cost estimates...artificially low cost estimates, optimistic schedules and ...
...independent checkpointing scheme with optimistic logging to reduce the performance...Independent checkpointing, Recovery lines, Optimistic message ...
...interview. Participants held an optimistic bias regarding their breast cancer...higher risk, which implies that womens knowledge of breast cancer risk ...