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...with narcolepsy may feel rested after waking, but then feel very sleepy throughout...with narcolepsy may feel rested after waking, but then feel very ...
Contractures are rare. Some people with FSHD feel severe pain in the affected limb. Cardiac...Increased sweating Individuals may feel drowsy and have ...
...and that the Veteran herself did not feel she met the criteria for insomnia. Of...taking Trazodone because it made her drowsy without putting her to ...
Drowsiness refers to feeling more sleepy than normal during the day. People...People who are drowsy may fall asleep when they do not want to or at ...
Learn the signs of drowsy driving and get resources on how to prevent the dangerous...Driving Drowsy Driving Drug-Impaired Driving Drunk Driving ...
...contracted so that the person aches or feels stiff. The rigidity becomes obvious...nightmares and emotional dreams, and drowsiness or sudden sleep ...
...period of action, they can make you feel drowsy for several hours after you awaken...period of action, they can make you feel drowsy for several hours ...
Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness, weakness, or exhaustion. It is different...different from drowsiness, which can be relieved with a good night's ...
...unusual behavior Feeling anxious or depressed Fatigue or drowsiness; a lack of energy...let their caregivers know that they feel different following a ...
...light-headedness, weakness, mood changes, feeling sick to your stomach, pale clammy...degrees F. The person becomes tired and drowsy, begins to shiver ...
...significantly less. Once you have a “feel” for how much medication a patient requires...10 mins when given IV 3-6 hours Drowsiness Fatigue ...
...her chronic vaginitis. She stated she feels sluggish and unmotivated due in part...seizure medication, which cause her to feel fatigued. The claim ...
...confusion, drowsiness, malaise, difficulty in concentrating, and a feeling of intoxication...confusion, drowsiness, malaise, difficulty in ...
...his head into the top of the truck, feeling pain in his head and neck, with headaches...endorsed being anxious much of the time, feeling scared and ...
...physiological measures, subjective feelings of drowsiness, and subjective performance...physiological measures, subjective feelings of drowsiness, and ...
...not found to have PTSD. Sometimes he feels “a little down,” but he is not depressed...Taylor’s PHI. return to top Introduction Feeling a certain ...,84678
...even on the first day, may help you feel better and heal faster. Read on to learn...even on the first day, may help you feel better and heal faster ...
...requires 2 hours sleep a night, and feels perfectly fine? How do I know if I...information on how to implement a drowsy driver prevention program for ...
...experience pain or have difficulty feeling simple sensations, such as touch....they're lying on their back They feel stiff They feel floppy Their legs ...
Share (PDF 1645KB) Do you feel depressed? Do not feel ashamed or alone. Women...Women are more likely than men to feel depressed, although it is a ...