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...way and that produces money and that buys the weapons and then the weapons go...the separatist ETA is known to use cocaine and heroin to pay for ...
...10 Oct 76) 25 CONTENTS (Continued) Cocaine Trafficker Arrested in Sao Paulo (FOLHA...Official Sought for Trafficking 28 Cocaine Trafficker Arrested 28 ...
USSR [RZECZPOSPOLITA 14 Oct] 15 Large Cocaine Cargo Confiscated in Gdynia [PRAWOIZYCIE...republics, unions, and trusts. Large Cocaine Cargo ...
...marijuana, and to a lesser extent, cocaine. Heroin is typically transported through...Italy, Greece and the Netherlands. Cocaine is smuggled from ...
...heroin, 3256 kg marijuana, and 12kg of cocaine through September. The police also...marijuana. The increase in the seizures of cocaine in Albania ...
Institute Ruder Bogkovi6 Bijeni~ka c.54, Zagreb, Croatia INTRODUCTION In today's society...therefore, most likely to try to steal or to buy plutonium ...
...marijuana, and to a lesser extent, cocaine. Heroin is typically transported through...ania, and on to Italy and Greece. Cocaine is smuggled from South ...
...most common illegal drugs are heroin, cocaine and marijuana. Heroin is typically...ania, and on to Italy and Greece. Cocaine is smuggled from South ...
...most common illegal drugs are heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. Heroin is typically...(FYROM)-Albania, and on to Italy and Greece. Cocaine is smuggled ...
Caught 35 LATIN AMERICA ARGENTINA LSD, Cocaine Traffickers Arrested (LA NACION, 6...Drug Officers Seize 4 Kilograms of Cocaine (Radio Panamericana, 23 ...
Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited three African nations in what ...
...role in political life in 90EB0311A Zagreb VJESNIK in Serbo-Croatian the past...borders of the indi- population of Zagreb is not connected to the ...
Institute Ruder Bogkovi6 Bijeni~ka c.54, Zagreb, Croatia INTRODUCTION In today's society...therefore, most likely to try to steal or to buy plutonium ...
...role in political life in 90EB0311A Zagreb VJESNIK in Serbo-Croatian the past...borders of the indi- population of Zagreb is not connected to the ...
...commitments over recent months, including the visit to Egypt profiled within this Journal...Jelic, Office of Defense Cooperation Zagreb, Croatia “A ...
Netherlands; Panama City, Panama; Zagreb, Croatia; and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia... taking and fulfilling orders for cocaine, LSD, MDMA, ketamine ...
Briefs Large Marihuana Shipment 51 Cocaine Seizure 51 Marihuana Growers 51 Large...who graduated from pot to heroin, cocaine, opium and morphine," he ...
Addiction (PRESENCIA, 8 Mar 77) 40 Briefs Cocaine Laboratories Discovered 42 COLOMBIA...Jan 77) 43 Peruvian Arrested With Cocaine (EL ESPECTADOR, 21 ...
LATIN AMERICA BOLIVIA Briefs Arrest of Cocaine Smugglers 29 COLOMBIA Judge Accused...Marihuana Traffickers 35 Marihuana Haul 35 Cocaine Laboratory ...
...transnational movement of people: the buying and selling of women and children for...flaunt a United Nations arms embargo by buying arms from outside ...