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...illicit narcotics, particularly crack cocaine, remains a problem. While there are...estimates of the number of current crack cocaine users, this is a ...
...marijuana, and to a lesser extent, cocaine. Heroin is typically transported through...Italy, Greece and the Netherlands. Cocaine is smuggled from ...
...marijuana, and to a lesser extent, cocaine. Heroin is typically transported through...ania, and on to Italy and Greece. Cocaine is smuggled from South ...
...of marijuana, and 1.2 kilograms of cocaine. Police also destroyed 332,018 cannabis...and approximately 0.7 kilograms of cocaine. For the period ...
...5,517 kg marijuana, and 1.6 kg of cocaine. The police also destroyed 74,000...A limited, but growing, amount of cocaine is smuggled from South America ...
...heroin, 3256 kg marijuana, and 12kg of cocaine through September. The police also...marijuana. The increase in the seizures of cocaine in Albania ...
...most common illegal drugs are heroin, cocaine and marijuana. Heroin is typically...ania, and on to Italy and Greece. Cocaine is smuggled from South ...
...most common illegal drugs are heroin, cocaine and marijuana. Heroin is typically... Heroin and marijuana are abused; cocaine is also available, but is ...
...most common illegal drugs are heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. Heroin is typically...(FYROM)-Albania, and on to Italy and Greece. Cocaine is smuggled ...
...large cartels that once dominated the cocaine trade. Better interdiction now forces...more difficult for drug criminals to buy their freedom, while ...
...used as a transit point for heroin, cocaine and marijuana due to its strategic...kilograms of heroin, 2 kilograms of cocaine, 4500 kilograms of ...
...levels of efficiency in extracting cocaine from coca leaf. Field work carried...efficient in processing coca leaf into cocaine base. USG experts ...
Hemisphere nations to curb the flow of cocaine and heroin to the United States has...most concern the United States are cocaine, heroin and synthetic ..., but it is a transit country for cocaine flowing from neighboring Bolivia,...Government (GOA) statistics, there was more cocaine seized in the ... campaign to curb the flow of cocaine and heroin to the United States advanced...Drug seizures set new records for cocaine interdiction ... campaign to curb the flow of cocaine and heroin to the United States advanced...that threaten the United States are cocaine, heroin ... crime and terrorism. Cocaine revenues not only sustain the decades-old...directly threaten the United States are cocaine, heroin ...
Taliban regime in Afghanistan or the cocaine that sustains the decades-old insurgency...improved. The Drug Threat to the U.S. Cocaine, heroin ...
.................. 541 Remarks on the Visit of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI April...President feel welcome. The last time I visited the Capitol, I came ... commitments. Controlling Supply Cocaine, amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) this illegal trade. Cocaine The rate of U.S. cocaine ...