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...shooting victims during Buffalo (NY) visit today. After meeting with family members...NEWS CBS: Attorney General Garland to visit Buffalo mass ...
...abuse of illicit drugs, particularly cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin...enforce- ment agencies identified cocaine (either powder or crack) ...
...participation in a conspiracy to distribute cocaine for importation into the United States...participation in a conspiracy to distribute cocaine for ...
The abuse of illicit drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin...criminal groups smuggle most of the cocaine available in domestic ... We meet three times a year in Vienna. As a matter of fact the spring experts...right now in Vienna. And this Saturday I am on my way to Vienna ...
GENERAL HIGHUGHTS Attorney General Visits Mexico 377 Attorney General Addresses...participation in moot court grams of cocaine in Detroits 12th ...
This paper analyzes the counter-cocaine air interdiction campaign against trafficker...interdiction target. We also show that the cocaine market ...
...picture of worldwide drug smuggling. Cocaine bound for wealthy industrialized countries...UNODC reports show a clear increase in cocaine and other ...
...used as a transit point for heroin, cocaine and marijuana due to its strategic...kilograms of heroin, 2 kilograms of cocaine, 4500 kilograms of ...
Hundreds of metric tons of cocaine flow annually from South America toward the...had become a major transit route for cocaine out of Colombia, with a ...
...marijuana, and to a lesser extent, cocaine. Heroin is typically transported through...Italy, Greece and the Netherlands. Cocaine is smuggled from ...
...heroin, 3256 kg marijuana, and 12kg of cocaine through September. The police also...marijuana. The increase in the seizures of cocaine in Albania ...
...the involvement of organized crime. Cocaine and heroin are however, imported by...more traditional stimulants such as cocaine. Ecstasy is imported ...
...most common illegal drugs are heroin, cocaine and marijuana. Heroin is typically... Heroin and marijuana are abused; cocaine is also available, but is ... commitments. Controlling Supply Cocaine, amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) this illegal trade. Cocaine The rate of U.S. cocaine ...
...worlds leading producer and exporter of cocaine, as well as the most important coca...regarded as a major player in the cocaine trade, as well as a ...
Briefs Drugs Confiscation 25 PANAMA Cocaine Traffickers Arrest (CRITICA, 12 Nov...occasions, the police said. Tadayuki has visited Seoul several times ...
...most common illegal drugs are heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. Heroin is typically...(FYROM)-Albania, and on to Italy and Greece. Cocaine is smuggled ...
...5,517 kg marijuana, and 1.6 kg of cocaine. The police also destroyed 74,000...A limited, but growing, amount of cocaine is smuggled from South America ...
...cultivation in the country. Traffickers buy the farmers' crops at previously set... 2092 kg of marijuana, and 1kg of cocaine during this time. The ...