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...a profound threat to U.S. national security interests. This threat perception...against Iran. The Administration efforts bore fruit on June 9, 2009 ..., firewood isn’t dead. Live wood-boring beetles, tiny insect eggs, microscopic...little to no defenses against this new threat. To help protect our ...
...people say this job can be kind of boring, but if you find that one track of...of interest that could be a threat, you feel good about yourself ...
... Forty-eight gages placed in three bore holes were used to measure the ground...Number: AD0818654 Title: MULTIPLE THREAT CRATERING EXPERIMENT. VOLUME ...
...and animals is one of the biggest threats facing natural areas. Non-native species...species. If invasive, they pose serious threats to natural ...
...analysis of those samples, and one soil boring. Eleven TerraProbe points were advanced...environmental contamination or poses a threat to human ...
...100 ppm. CBP is vigilant against the threat of accidental or deliberate infestation...1,300 shipments posing agriculture threats from around the ...
Dawkins, Jody Jacobs The phishing cyber threat exploits vulnerabilities in the U.S...against the ever-changing phishing threat landscape. Realistic ...
...analyze any overlap with human-driven threats such as fisheries and vessel being a sea turtle biologist? As boring as it might sound ...
...and microorganisms - pose a serious threat to U.S. agriculture and the environment...Asian long-horned beetle an insect that bores into the trunk of a ...
...around the circumference of the hub bore and alternated with 24 smaller diameter...four-step process: the hole was drilled, bored in two steps, and ...
...hard-to-reach nests that still pose a threat to occupants but are better left alone...termites, carpenter ants, and wood boring beetles. Pest ...
...aspect of the mission. Death or the threat of death shows up in roadside warnings...Soldiers Under Threat: An Exploration of the Effect of Real Threat ..., Muller’s oak, and pinyon pine. Threats to Vegetation The native vegetation...habitat fragmentation and the increased threat of invasive ...
...(DNAPL) contamination poses a major threat to the groundwater supply. Delineating...filamentous to identify efficiently via borings or geophysical ...
...currently uninvaded locations where the threat of invasion is high.ObjectivesWe aimed...Ecosystems Mission Area, Biological Threats and Invasive ...
...policy changes that have reduced this threat. Helene and Milton Potentially Spread...International Standards Lower Risk of Wood-Boring Pests in the ...
...too risky to attempt due to current threats. So, what are the challenges facing...military operation in the current threat environment? These ...
...waves, grazing fishes, and internally boring sponges. The potential for restoration...waves, grazing fishes, and internally boring sponges. The ... Data include extreme spread and bore erosion gage measurements, each as a...may be due to fouling deposits on the bore surface and to lack of ...