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...politics took airpower as its reluctant bride on the eve of the age of limited war...benefits, if the top leader uses his precious time to ... decide ...
...turned to trade in narcotics and precious stones, such as lapis, and the smuggling...Health 1996; 49:14-5. 23. Sogan D, Bride! J, Shepherd C, Arzomand ...
...liberties that are truly central and precious to our nation. The argument is made...seam—nor does it fully or effectively bride it. What follows are ... "I do not believe you, young bride, I do not believe you," is the folk...practices were changed as they apply to precious metals. A subparagraph ... ceremony for Kil Ok-yun and his bride Patty Kim. What's more, Mr Kim is said...member of the group be considered precious, all the problems ...
...racist needs to stop “being so bloody precious…It’s not racist at all, we all know...against and mistreatment of foreign brides. Starting in the ...
...directly with the Air Force’s most precious asset which is its people.” “Seeing...because to do so would rob me of precious experience and memories ...
...wilL require a heavy commitment of precious indirect fire assets. An additional...College, Armored and *dwdmad DIvision and Bride Operata. w 71-1W ...
...racist needs to stop “being so bloody precious…It’s not racist at all, we all know...against and mistreatment of foreign brides. Starting in the ...
...influence of a label – our names are precious to us. By labeling an enemy with a...squad’s Navy Corpsman arrives; time is precious. A medevac is ...
...broadened his horizons and added to his precious store of experiences. He knew the...from the enjoyment of the fair young bride is the conscientious ...
...recognition and thanks to my beautiful bride, Elizabeth, who is and always will...21st century to balance our most precious resource of people, and ...
Force. Only 26 years old, he took his bride back to Thailand. Because the war was...regulations and laws and to gain precious experiences to benefit ...
...aerial gunnery in a fighter would take precious months, assuming that training space...Eagles to marry an English girl. The new bride, Penny Craven ...
...1O.peril 20.capillary 30.essence 1-precious metal l.bloo 4 vessel 1.srnell 2.tiny...great pain 2.marriage oath taken by the bride 3.great passion ...
...letters deal with the practice of giving bride-price, "kalyng," in the course of a...Leninpolskiy Rayon, maintains that giving bride- price has gained ...
...racist needs to stop “being so bloody precious…It’s not racist at all, we all know...Some families sold their daughters as brides in exchange for ...
...of arranging marriages and selling brides has returned and the tendency to marry...important condition. In past weddings, the bride usually demanded ...
...racist needs to stop “being so bloody precious…It’s not racist at all, we all know...Some families sold their daughters as brides in exchange for ...
...railway investment in a letter to his bride on 12 June 1841. The letter is published...general staff system constitutes a precious legacy often copied ...