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...contributions from unions, corporations and wealthy individuals. The McCain-Feingold Act...Swift Boat Veterans for Truth: A Case Study For Frame ...
...their share. The IRS is now taking swift and aggressive action to close this...being properly reported and paid by wealthy individual partners who ...
Elbows on the Table, forever like Read, Swift, Fitch,4 Skinner, Story, &c. But I’le...daughter of the late Leonard Vassall, a wealthy sugar-planter ...
President Biden for working with us to take swift and bold executive action to protect...affordable, and clean power like more wealthy communities ...
...faithful responded in repentance. The wealthy and powerful confessed their sins...fateful lightening of his terrible swift sword. He is sifting out ...
...were the home of people who fished the swift rivers, hunted on high grassy meadows...Cades Cove. Railroads used to bring wealthy families from ...
The U.S. government has called for swift implementation of economic reforms...LEBANON Jihad al-Arab (al-Arab) is a wealthy businessman being ...
...members of his committee for their very swift and judicious action. Let me just say...proposal is designed to benefit the wealthy. Well, that's not ...
Conditions of detention were better for wealthy or influential citizens. Local media...cases involving national security, wealthy or influential ...
Using updated technologies, identify wealthy taxpayers – including individuals...high-dollar areas. We have been taking swift and aggressive action to ...
Russian banks are removed from the SWIFT messaging system. This will ensure...citizenship—so called golden passports—that let wealthy Russians ...
...complex structures that allow the wealthy to hide their income from government...economic fairness. Attempts by the wealthy and powerful to deprive ...
Russian banks are removed from the SWIFT messaging system. This will ensure...citizenship—so called golden passports—that let wealthy Russians ...
...sectional disputes and a shortage of wealthy residents willing to raise and equip...where many regiments were gathered. A swift Northern victory would ...
Russian banks are removed from the SWIFT messaging system. This will ensure...citizenship—so called golden passports—that let wealthy Russians ...
Russian banks are removed from the SWIFT messaging system. This will ensure...citizenship—so called golden passports—that let wealthy Russians ...
...all-volunteer force (AVF) and requires swift action. Over the fifty years since...marines, and airmen to do. While the wealthy were able to find ways ... to purchase whiskey.” “Being wealthy,” continued the hobo, “his parents...contrasts of the streams. Here the river is swift and rippling, yonder ...
...will be presented in this paper. The wealthy, the educated, and most of the Western-oriented...layer of government, the relatively swift process of ...
...elementary classes. This is a wonderful, wealthy country in which we live – we can...the Soviet ability to make hard and swift decisions. We are not ...