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Ocean Acidification More Rapid in Coastal Oceans
“The study shows for the first time that the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia from the bottom waters could be a major contributor to lower pH ...
Redox reactions and weak buffering capacity lead to acidification in ...
It is less clear, however, how redox reactions would contribute to acidification. Here we report estuarine acidification dynamics based on oxygen ...
Location, Inundation, and Nitrogen Availability Drive Salt Marsh Carbon ...
Factors such as tidal inundation period and porewater residence time influence sediment water chemistry and, thereby, the response to excess nitrogen ...
NCCOS | Publication Details
Here we report estuarine acidification dynamics based on oxygen, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), pH, dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity data from ...
[PDF] +memo/report: Jenni Wheaton, FWC/FMRI - National Oceanic and ...
Variable and often high levels of porewater un-ionized ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were detected at the MERHAB Florida sampling stations and indicate ...
[PDF] Marine Cage Culture & The Environment& The Environment
like sulfide, redox potential and total organic carbon to allow for early detection of impacts. Within an adaptive management framework, a good ...
NCCOS | Data Collection
Synonym(s): Dibenzothiophene; Diphenylene sulfide Formula: C 1 2 H 8 S Molecular Weight: 184.255 Boiling Point (°C): 332 - 333 Melting Point (°C): 97 ...
Study Reviews Causes of Acidification in Large Estuaries
With ocean acidification threatening the health of aquatic organisms, a study funded by NCCOS, NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program, and the National ...
Linking molecular microbial ecology to geochemistry in a coastal ...
The presence of dissolved reduced iron in the upper sediment column was indicative of low oxygen concentration, yet sulfide was at or below detection ...
[PDF] MERHAB Florida Monitoring Program
MERHAB Florida Monitoring Program (FY01 Annual Report for the CCMA – Charleston Team’s Component of the MERHAB Florida Monitoring Program: Benthic ...
Coral Skeleton - Coral Disease & Health Consortium
Coral Skeleton Coral skeleton is comprised of aragonite, a crystal form of calcium carbonate. The skeleton of each individual coral polyp is called ...
Eutrophication-Driven Deoxygenation in the Coastal Ocean
The chemical milieu associated with declining dissolved oxygen concentrations affects the biogeochemical cycling of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen ...
Sediment Quality Guidelines developed for the National Status and ...
the “safe” concentrations, i.e., concentrations below which effects were not likely. Also, guidelines were needed above which adverse effects were ...
Black Band Disease - Coral Disease & Health Consortium
Black band disease (BBD) is an infectious coral disease that is globally present and affects 19 scleractinian coral species. Black band disease is ...
Environmental quality of estuaries of the Carolinian Province: 1995
Wherever possible, synoptic measures were made of: (1) general habitat condition (depth, physical properties of water, sediment grain-size, organic ...
Bioeffects Assessment in Bristol Bay, Alaska: Characterization of Soft ...
Bristol Bay hosts the largest salmon fishery in the world, as well as a number of other important fisheries. We are studying sediment conditions that ...
Survey Identifies Caribbean Residents' Perceptions about Sargassum ...
Floating Sargassum seaweed in the Caribbean provides habitat and nurseries for a variety of marine life. However, in recent years, the region has seen ...
Characterizing Spatial Distributions of Deep-sea Corals and ...
What We Did This study had three main components: We compiled a database of presence-absence observations of deep-sea corals and chemosynthetic ...
NCCOS Helps Military with Long-term Resiliency at Coastal Installations
At sites with long inundation periods there may be no response to fertilization since accumulated sulfide inhibits uptake of nitrogen by the flora ...
Developing an Operational Sargassum HAB Monitoring and Forecasting ...
This project will improve the effectiveness of existing NOAA and partner Sargassum detection and forecasting capabilities, facilitate a better ...