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Research Suggests Predators Prefer Artificial over Natural Reefs ...
When sand tiger sharks were present on shipwrecks, scientists recorded a higher variety of reef fish closer to the sharks than farther away. Community ...
Assessing Multi-species Habitat Use and Connectivity of Marine ...
Highly migratory species (e.g., whales and sharks) are regular visitors to MPA habitats. An MPA may serve a variety of functions for these animals ...
Sharks and Top Predators Depend on Benthic Algae in Healthy Coral Reefs
In a newly published study, NCCOS researchers link sharks and other top predators with primary producers (benthic algae) in pristine, healthy coral ...
NCCOS | Benthic Habitat Viewer - National Oceanic and Atmospheric ...
Benthic Habitat Viewer. The online Benthic Habitat Viewer (BHV) database, developed and managed by the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science ...
NCCOS | NOAA's National Status and Trends More Data
NOAA's National Status and Trends More Data. Use the filter below to parse these data by region and by program type (Mussel Watch, Bioeffects, Benthic ...
Benthic Habitats of the Hawaiian Islands - National Oceanic and ...
Colonized Pavement with Sand Channels Uncolonized Hard Bottom Reef Rubble Uncolonized Pavement Uncolonized Volcanic Rock/Boulder . Accuracy Assessment ...
[PDF] Southeast Florida Reef Tract Water Quality Assessment
2 . Acknowledgments . This work would not have been possible without the assistance and logistical support of many individuals. Most notably, Kirk ...
Microscopic Anatomy - Coral Disease & Health Consortium
Microscopic Anatomy The fundamental structure of a coral polyp is a cylindrical sac lined composed of two layers of epithelia: the surface body wall ...
Coral Disease - Coral Disease & Health Consortium
Coral Disease – History and General Information History Coral disease was first recognized as a threat to Caribbean reefs in 1972 when Antonius ...
Climate Change Impacts on Intertidal Zone Populations
For sedimentary (sand or mud) shores, the target organisms are animals that can either disrupt sediments (e.g., shrimp and worms) or build tubes and ...
Home - Coral Disease & Health Consortium
Welcome to the CDHCThe Coral Health and Disease Consortium is a collective of scientists focused on preserving and protecting coral reef ...
NOAA, BOEM Develop New Tool to Reduce Dredging Impacts to Essential ...
As part of a recently completed two-year study funded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean ...
[PDF] Ta bl e o f C o n t e n t s - National Oceanic and Atmospheric ...
I n t ro d u c t i o n I f a ppl i e d c or re c t l y, ma c h i n e l e a r n i n g ( a n d t h e s ubfi e l d of d e e p l e a r n i n g) a re a powe ...
Impacts of Hypoxia on Marine Life Neglected, Though Greater Than Ocean ...
Map shows coastal sites where anthropogenic nutrients have exacerbated or caused oxygen declines to <2 mg/L (red dots), as well as ocean ...
White Syndromes of the Western Atlantic
White syndrome lesions are characterized by the acute loss of both polyp and the coenosarc tissues with a distinct margin separating intact tissue ...
Toxin Detection Technologies - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal ...
Toxin Detection Technologies NCCOS uses three detection strategies to accurately measure algal toxins despite the unique challenges. Our scientists ...
HABHRCA - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
In 1998, Congress recognized the severity of HABs and hypoxia threats and authorized the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act ...
Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD)
Stony coral tissue loss disease lesions appear as distinct and rapidly expanding focal, multi-focal, or coalescing areas of denuded (bare) skeleton ...
If You Build It, Is It Worth It? The Value of Restoring Coastal Sand ...
The Value of Restoring Coastal Sand Dunes and Wetlands. Published on: 08/29/2023; Science Area(s): Coastal Change, Ecosystem Services Valuation ...
Coastal Ocean Acidification - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal ...
Coastal Ocean Acidification Ocean acidification is driven predominantly by ocean uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), resulting in global-scale ...