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Nutrient Stress and Source Identification in the Coral Reefs of Ofu and ...
Excess nutrients can be harmful to coral reefs in a variety of ways, including fueling algal growth which can overgrow and outcompete the reefs. While ...
N and P as ultimate and proximate limiting nutrients in the northern ...
The occurrence of hypoxia in coastal oceans is a long-standing and growing problem worldwide and is clearly linked to anthropogenic nutrient inputs ...
Complex Interactions Between Harmful Phytoplankton and Grazers ...
The generally accepted scenario that low nutrients result in lower toxin amounts is negated. The observation that lower nutrient concentrations in ...
NCCOS | Nutrient and Coliform Loading - National Oceanic and ...
Nutrient and Coliform Loading. This is a database of available fecal coliform bacteria, fecal streptococci bacteria, and nutrient loading data ...
A changing nutrient regime in the Gulf of Maine
Recent oceanographic observations and a retrospective analysis of nutrients and hydrography over the past five decades have revealed that the ...
Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity in the Northern Gulf of ...
The continental shelf adjacent to the Mississippi River is a highly productive system, often referred to as the fertile fisheries crescent. This ...
Nutrient Dynamics and Changes to Benthic Communities in Vatia, American ...
Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) are required by both plants and animals for healthy growth, but excess nutrients can cause a variety of problems ...
Temporal responses of coastal hypoxia to nutrient loading and physical ...
These analyses should consider: (1) the dominant temporal scales of the hypoxia, (2) the relative contributions of inorganic and organic nutrients ...
Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico, Topic 3 Report ...
As part of a process of considering options for responding to hypoxia, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) formed the Mississippi ...
Karenia brevis Nutrient Dynamics in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Effective K. brevis harmful algal bloom management and regulatory interventions are stymied by the lack of an integrated understanding of how nutrient ...
Hypoxic Area off Pacific Northwest Coast has Grown Since 1950s
Nutrients from the upwelled water promote phytoplankton growth, which indirectly contributes to hypoxia. When large blooms of phytoplankton die and ...
Linking Biogeochemistry to Harmful Algal Bloom Nutritional Physiology ...
The investigators are validating and applying quantitative gene expression assays to examine how a wide array of specific nutrients influences bloom ...
NGOMEX - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
This over-enrichment of nutrients stimulates the development of seasonal hypoxia (very low oxygen waters) over the Louisiana/Texas continental shelf ...
Coastal eutrophication near the Mississippi river delta
Changes in delivery of river-borne nutrients such as dissolved phosphate, nitrate and silicate, owing to land-use changes and anthropogenic emissions ...
Toxic Algal Blooms and Nutrients from Sewage - NCCOS Coastal Science ...
Upwelling brought this seed population, along with nutrients from sewage outfalls, into well-lit surface layers, where the bloom developed. This ...
Study Shows Smaller Late Summer Dead Zone in the Chesapeake
Nutrients feed large blooms of algae that eventually die and fall to the bottom; their decay takes large amounts of oxygen from the water. Ultimately ...
Models Highlight Benefits of Aquaculture in Long Island Sound
Shellfish bioextraction has the potential to improve water quality and boost the economy Declining water quality from excess nutrient inputs, called ...
Aquaculture and Eutrophication in Long Island Sound and Great Bay ...
Eutrophication is the overabundance of nutrients in a body of water that results in harmful algal blooms, fish kills, and in some cases ecosystem ...
Coastal Eddies Promote Large-scale Algal Response to Urban ...
A NCCOS-funded study found that anthropogenic nutrients are promoting enhanced algal productivity in the Southern California Bight (SCB), that is ...
New Funding to Reduce Nutrient Pollution Reviewed at Gulf of Mexico ...
The Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force held its 37th annual meeting in December to review ongoing actions to improve water quality in the Mississippi ...