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Coastal Ecosystem Susceptibility to Nutrient Pollution
This work is intended to lead to a better predictive understanding of the potential causes and consequences of nutrient pollution on estuarine ...
Explaining Acidification and Nutrient Pollution in Texas Estuaries
We are supporting research that will define relationships between estuarine acidification and other stressors (i.e., reduced freshwater inflow, low ...
Pollution – NCCOS – National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Contaminants and nutrients pollute the marine and coastal environment, causing acute or long-term impacts to ecosystems, humans, and animals—from ...
New Funding to Reduce Nutrient Pollution Reviewed at Gulf of Mexico ...
The Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force held its 37th annual meeting in December to review ongoing actions to improve water quality in the Mississippi ...
Dead Zone - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen) occurs in many of the world’s aquatic environments. Hypoxic and anoxic (no oxygen) waters have existed through geologic ...
Gulf of Mexico ‘Dead Zone’ Largest Ever Measured
Excess nutrient pollution comes primarily from agriculture and developed land runoff. These nutrients stimulate massive algal growth that eventually ...
Study Provides Nutrient Reduction Targets to Reach Gulf Dead Zone Goal
The Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force (HTF) has made major strides in reducing point source nutrient pollution in the Gulf of Mexico ...
National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment: Effects of Nutrient ...
This report presents the results of a National Assessment Workshop held in August 1998 to address the problem of estuarine eutrophication. The ...
Impacts of Hypoxia on Fish and Fisheries in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
This is a direct consequence of nutrient pollution. The resulting hypoxia kills some fish and squeezes others into small areas, where they are easy ...
Modeling Hypoxia and Ecological Responses to Climate and Nutrients
Nutrient pollution in estuaries has contributed to the degradation of bottom habitats by causing algal blooms and resulting depletion of oxygen ...
Reducing Runoff that fuels Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone
New measures and actions were passed to control nutrient runoff which will further decrease the size of the dead zone. NCCOS sponsored research ...
Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone fed by Nutrient Inputs from the Mississippi River
A plume of freshwater enriched in nutrients and sediments enters the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi River. Credit: Nancy Rabalais, Louisiana ...
Price of Shrimp Impacted by Gulf of Mexico “Dead Zone”
Caused by excessive nutrient pollution delivered from the Mississippi River, primarily from agriculture and wastewater, the low oxygen levels are ...
Nutrient Dynamics and Changes to Benthic Communities in Vatia, American ...
Coral reefs are diverse, productive, and economically valuable ecosystems, but are threatened by a variety of stressors in including land based ...
Understanding HABs Under Climate Change Requires New Models
In summary, the “new normal” in many regions of the world is more nutrient pollution, more extreme events, and changing climatic conditions. More data ...
Hypoxia in Green Bay, Wisconsin: Biogeochemical Dynamics, Watershed ...
With a 100-year history of high-nutrient pollution (causing eutrophia, low oxygen, fish kills, harmful algal blooms), the southern portion of the ...
Location, Inundation, and Nitrogen Availability Drive Salt Marsh Carbon ...
Salt marshes provide valuable services, such as protecting the coast from storms, removing excess nutrient pollution from water, and long‐term burial ...
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Seeks Advice on Harmful Algal ...
The sanctuary is interested in whether land-derived nutrients are influencing the recent rise in blooms and domoic acid toxicity and what the ...
A changing nutrient regime in the Gulf of Maine
Recent oceanographic observations and a retrospective analysis of nutrients and hydrography over the past five decades have revealed that the ...
Models Highlight Benefits of Aquaculture in Long Island Sound
Shellfish bioextraction has the potential to improve water quality and boost the economy Declining water quality from excess nutrient inputs, called ...