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National Coral Reef Monitoring Program Implementation: Biological and ...
These indicators will be measured through surveys of residents and the collection of existing socioeconomic data from secondary sources, such as the ...
New Report Summarizes National Coral Reef Monitoring Program Biological ...
In both years, NCRMP surveys occurred throughout summer and fall months in shallow-water (0–30 m) coral reef areas. NCRMP data are used to inform ...
Coral reef ecosystems of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands: Spatial and ...
The purpose of this document is to: 1) Quantify spatial patterns and temporal trends in (i) benthic habitat composition and (ii) fish species ...
[PDF] 2014 poster NCRMP 2014 Socioeconomic Monitoring Survey 2014 - S ...,%20S%20Florida%20and%20AmSamoa_072315.pdf
The socioeconomic monitoring survey effort, to be implemented every 4-7 years in each US coral reef jurisdiction collects information regarding the ...
Biogeographic Assessments/Ecological Characterizations
Biogeographic Surveys of Benthic and Fish Communities in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico from 2001-2012; Ecological Characterization of Salt River ...
NCCOS | Benthic Habitat Viewer - National Oceanic and Atmospheric ...
Benthic Habitat Viewer. The online Benthic Habitat Viewer (BHV) database, developed and managed by the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science ...
Fish movement patterns in Virgin Islands National Park, Virgin Islands ...
NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)-Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment’s (CCMA) Biogeography Branch, National Park ...
Habitat Mapping of Fish Bay, Coral Bay, and the St. Thomas East End ...
The LiDAR data collection was funded by NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey, and the habitat mapping effort was funded by NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation ...
Predictive Modeling and Mapping of Hardbottom Seafloor Habitats off the ...
Detailed maps of seafloor habitats along the southeast U.S. coast are sparse. While efforts to explore and map fish habitats have increased ...
Design, Distribution of Artificial Reef Structures Affect Fish ...
The researchers used multibeam and splitbeam echosounders mounted to the hull of NOAA Ship Nancy Foster to survey 31 artificial reef structures and ...
Fish Habitat Utilization Patterns and Evaluation of the Efficacy of ...
Fish assemblages in the colonized and uncolonized hardbottom habitats were found to be most similar among all of the habitat types. Much of the ...
Assessing the Ecological Function of Shipwrecks, Artificial Reefs and ...
Increased calls for enhancing ocean habitats through artificial reefs and proposals for increasing offshore energy development require science to ...
Researchers Study Ecological Role of North Carolina Shipwrecks and ...
The dive team surveys the wreck of the USS Schurz, a U.S. Navy gunboat that sunk in 1918 off the coast of Cape Lookout, North Carolina, after ...
New Research Explores Risk of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning on Artificial ...
Epiphytic microalgae (an algae that grows on other organisms) are important contributors to carbon and nutrient cycles, yet are often overlooked ...
Patterns in larval reef fish distributions and assemblages with ...
Benthic marine populations are often replenished by a combination of larvae from local and distant sources. To promote retention of locally spawned ...
Using bathymetric lidar to define nearshore benthic habitat complexity ...
Habitat complexity plays a major role in determining the distribution and structure of fish assemblages in the aquatic environment. These locations ...
NOAA Study Finds Artificial Reefs Enhance Fish Communities, Solutions ...
Structures, such as vessels, concrete pipes, and bridge pieces, are intentionally placed on the seafloor as artificial reefs. These artificial reefs ...
Light Shed on Hawaiian Reef Fish Food Sources and Trophic Positions
NOAA-funded scientists studying the diets of 22 species of Hawaiian coral reef fish living at both shallow (0-30 meters) and mesophotic (30-150 ...
Bioeffects Assessment in Bristol Bay, Alaska: Characterization of Soft ...
Bristol Bay hosts the largest salmon fishery in the world, as well as a number of other important fisheries. We are studying sediment conditions that ...
Study Finds Lake Erie Hypoxic Zone Doesn’t Affect All Fish The Same
The model results were compared with conditions in Lake Erie from the recent past to determine when and how often different fish species would be ...