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Shoreline Hardening Affects Nekton Biomass, Size Structure, and ...
We evaluated the biomass and size structure of mobile fish and crustacean assemblages within two nearshore zones (waters extending 3 and 16 m from ...
Using bathymetric lidar to define nearshore benthic habitat complexity ...
We established that lidar-derived rugosity was a good predictor of fish biomass and demonstrated a strong relationship with several fish assemblage ...
NOAA RESTORE Science Program: Evaluation of Gulf of Mexico ...
The dataset includes predicted fish biomass from the Ecopath with Ecosim and Ecospace model set up over the Florida Reef Tract, during eight scenarios ...
[PDF] Biogeographic characterization of fish communities within the Flower ...
♦ Fish species abundance, size and distribution were characterized using the belt transect survey ... Table 1. Fish abundance, biomass, richness and ...
[PDF] northwestern hawaiian islands factsheet
¾ Half of the fish biomass in the NWHI is made up of large predators such as sharks, jacks and grou-per, helping to create a healthy, stable reef. ¾ ...
[PDF] Biogeographic characterization of fish communities within the Flower ...
fish community, however, are limited in scope of inference to small portions of the Sanctuary coral cap environment. Unlike the earlier approaches ...
Coral reef ecosystems of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands: Spatial and ...
The purpose of this document is to: 1) Quantify spatial patterns and temporal trends in (i) benthic habitat composition and (ii) fish species ...
A Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
Half the fish biomass in the NWHI includes large predators (e.g., sharks, jacks, and grouper), which are important in creating a healthy, stable reef ...
Coupling ecology and GIS to evaluate efficacy of Marine Protected Areas ...
Overall fish biomass was 2.6 times greater in the MLCDs compared to open areas. In addition, apex predators and other species were more abundant and ...
Are Marine Protected Areas Working in the U.S. Virgin Islands?
Use long-term monitoring data to report on ecological status and trends for a variety of MPA performance indicators (i.e., fish biomass, herbivore ...
Forecasting the Causes, Consequences, and Potential Solutions for ...
Model outputs are used to predict the impacts of hypoxia (e.g., timing of onset, intensity, duration, and extent) on fish biomass and potential ...
Fish Habitat Utilization Patterns and Evaluation of the Efficacy of ...
MLCDs had higher values for most fish assemblage characteristics (e.g. biomass, size, diversity) compared with adjacent fished areas and Fisheries ...
Defining reef fish habitat utilization patterns in Hawaii: comparisons ...
Most fish assemblage characteristics (e.g. species richness, biomass, number of individuals) were highest in colonized hard bottom habitats (>10% live ...
Caribbean Fishery Acoustic Assessment: Fish density data collection ...
These data sets show acoustically detected fish densities throughout the Caribbean ocean. NOAA/NCCOS collected these data sets to help characterize ...
Complex Interactions Between Harmful Phytoplankton and Grazers ...
A pair of large-scale field enclosure (mesocosm) manipulations of mussel density in consecutive years showed that when phosphorus concentrations were ...
Small Fish Could Be In Big Trouble Without Wetlands
Small fishhad greatest biomass at tidal marsh wetlands. Credit: T. Jordan, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Across all species, small fish ...
NOAA, BOEM Develop New Tool to Reduce Dredging Impacts to Essential ...
ShoalMATE provides BOEM with a consistent, science-based framework to streamline Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultations with NOAA’s National ...
Determining Ciguatera Risk in Invasive Lionfish
These invasive, carnivorous fish significantly reduce other fish and benthic invertebrate biomass, fish recruitment, and species richness in reef ...
New Research Explores Risk of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning on Artificial ...
One such epiphyte, Gambierdiscus spp., is a harmful benthic dinoflagellate, a type of plankton, which produces toxins that accumulate up the food ...
Potential Effects of Bigheaded Carps on Four Great Lakes Habitats
A NCCOS study, co-sponsored with the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, used an ecosystem model to evaluate the potential risk of two species of ...