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Restoring Injured Seagrass Beds with New Methods for Re-Grading and ...
Vessel groundings in shallow waters can damage fragile seagrass habitats, sometimes permanently. We are conducting scientific studies to assess new ...
Coral Assessment and Restoration Results Released for U.S. Caribbean ...
Hurricane damage of destabilized, broken, and loose corals was observed at approximately 12% of shallow reefs assessed in PR. Considerable damage ...
Assessing Environmental and Economic Impacts - NCCOS
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) can produce toxins or cause other harmful effects that can damage U.S. coastal and Great Lakes ecosystems, disrupt seafood ...
[PDF] Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities Restoration Type
Final Programmatic Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan and Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement: • Protect and manage MDBC. • Place ...
Preparedness Exercise Supports Future Testing of Effects of Oil and ...
This study represented the first full-scale deployment of the systems at a remote site by boat. Ultimately, the purpose of the mesocosms is to assess ...
Scientific Support for Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Community ...
Under this settlement, BP will pay the Trustees up to $8.8 billion to conduct restoration as described in their Final Programmatic Damage Assessment ...
Coastal Ecological Assessments and Indicator Development
We work in partnership with other federal agencies and coastal states to conduct assessments of ecological condition and potential stressor impacts ...
An Integrated Assessment of Oil and Gas Release into the Marine ...
Based on the NCCOS assessment, and data from BSEE, the U.S. Coast Guard (USGC), and others, the USGC installed a containment and collection system at ...
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science - NCCOS
Habitat Assessment and Evaluation. The life histories, diversity, and population structures of mesophotic and deep benthic community species in the ...
Deep-sea Coral Ecology, Health, and Diversity
In the Gulf of Mexico, we are working on the Natural Resource Damage Assessment for Deepwater Horizon (NRDA-DWH), examining potential effects of the ...
Coral Ecosystem - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Coral Ecosystems NCCOS research helps shed light on corals and their understudied communities, restoration science, the ecological role they play, and ...
Assessing Community Vulnerability to Flood Hazard in the U.S. Virgin ...
Communities in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) experience flooding, storms, and other climate-driven hazards. Impacts from these events are felt ...
Marine Life in Gulf of Mexico Face Multiple Challenges
NOAA is providing scientific support and Natural Resource Damage Assessment personnel are working to identify injured natural resources and ...
Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal ...
They occur between brightly lit shallow waters and the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean. NCCOS mesophotic coral science includes mapping, habitat ...
Seafloor Characterization of the U.S. Caribbean
The U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Jurisdictions have identified the need of seafloor mapping data for use in regulatory, management ...
Assessing the Social and Cultural Importance of Subsistence Salmon in ...
After assessing the impacts of the spill, NOAA develops restoration plans that fully compensate the public for the injuries and seeks reimbursement ...
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science - NCCOS
He has described new species of deep-sea corals, and authored more than 40 scientific papers, including a damage assessment of mesophotic coral ...
Some Gulf Dolphins Are Gravely Ill Following Deepwater Horizon Oil ...
Bottlenose dolphins in Louisiana’s Barataria Bay have lung damage and adrenal hormone abnormalities not previously seen in other dolphin populations ...
New Research Sheds Light on Altered Freshwater Flow Effects on Juvenile ...
A new publication in Estuaries and Coasts demonstrates how human-altered freshwater flow relates to juvenile fish abundance in the mangrove-lined bays ...
Linking Coral Reefs, Coastal Watersheds, and Human Communities in the ...
Our research project combines ecological studies, physical oceanographic research, and social science to reduce human impacts (e.g., runoff, sediment ...