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Aquaculture Opportunity Areas for Federal Waters of the United States ...
A recent step toward domestic aquaculture development was the Presidential Executive Order Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic ...
NOAA Collecting Public Comments on Aquaculture Opportunity Areas
The studies identified areas that have the highest relative potential to support marine aquaculture operations, while also minimizing conflicts with ...
Aquaculture Mapping Atlas and FARM Model - NCCOS
The Aquaculture Mapping Atlas is an interactive, online GIS-based decision-making tool for marine aquaculture that provides maps on general site ...
Aquaculture -
Aquaculture is a large and growing segment of the global seafood economy, but the majority of aquaculture production occurs in just a few countries ...
Coastal Aquaculture Planning Portal (CAPP) - NCCOS
The Coastal Aquaculture Planning Portal (CAPP) is a toolbox of coastal planning tools designed to assist managers, planners, and industry with ...
Aquaculture - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Aquaculture Development NCCOS Aquaculture provides high quality science, guidance, and technical support to coastal managers to grow sustainable aquac ...
An Aquaculture Opportunity Area Atlas for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
The directive requires the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with relevant federal agencies, to identify Aquaculture Opportunity Areas (AOAs) ...
Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) Best Aquaculture Practices Viewer
A global map depicting all the aquaculture facilities that have the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) Certification. These aquaculture operations have ...
Aquaculture Spatial Planning in Florida: A Pilot Study to Assess ...
The increasing demand for American-grown seafood and improved technology to farm in the open ocean provides an opportunity for domestic aquaculture ...
Environmental Interactions - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
We are assisting coastal managers and aquaculture farm operators with developing environmental monitoring protocols for marine aquaculture, which will ...
New Aquaculture Infographic Available - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
The infographic portrays oyster, mussel, and algae aquaculture methods which generate local seafood, improve water quality, protect against storm ...
NOAA Announces Five Year Strategic Plan for Aquaculture
The NOAA Aquaculture Strategic Plan (2023–2028) includes goals and objectives to sustainably develop the aquaculture industry in the United States ...
An Aquaculture Opportunity Area Atlas for the Southern California Bight
The directive requires the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with relevant federal agencies, to identify Aquaculture Opportunity Areas (AOAs) ...
Marine Cage Culture and the Environment - NCCOS
The information we compiled will be used to inform and support the development of sustainable offshore aquaculture in the U.S. We are working with ...
Home - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
NCCOS administers the NOAA RESTORE Science Program on behalf of NOAA. Its mission is to carry out research, observation, and monitoring to support, to ...
A Global Review of Protected Species Interactions with Marine Aquaculture
As marine aquaculture expands to the open ocean in the United States Exclusive Economic Zone, there is increased concern about how protected species ...
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science - NCCOS
Coastal managers, planners, and the aquaculture industry need NCCOS’s innovative science. Predictive models, data sets, maps, tools, and targeted ...
Eutrophication and Oyster Aquaculture in the Potomac River Estuary
Oyster aquaculture in the Potomac River estuary could result in significant improvements to water quality. All of the nitrogen currently polluting the ...
Online Economic Spreadsheet Tool for Oyster Aquaculture
Aquaculture application: Being able to accurately determine cost and return in business allows you to plan to maximize potential profit and determine ...
Aquaculture and Eutrophication in Long Island Sound and Great Bay ...
Bivalve shellfish planted in aquaculture farms improve water quality by filtering out nutrients, suspended sediment, and chlorophyll. With support ...