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NOAA Assesses Policy Gaps in Sargassum Management
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released “Nearshore Sargassum Management: Policy Analysis and Agency Gaps Assessment,” ...
Survey Identifies Caribbean Residents' Perceptions about Sargassum ...
Survey respondents perceived Sargassum events to be most severe, frequent, and disastrous in the western, central, and eastern parts of the Caribbean ...
Developing an Operational Sargassum HAB Monitoring and Forecasting ...
This project will improve the effectiveness of existing NOAA and partner Sargassum detection and forecasting capabilities, facilitate a better ...
[PDF] Environmental Assessment for National Center for Coastal Ocean Science ...
Sargassum natans and S. fluitans found in neritic and oceanic waters of the western North Atlantic Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). The ...
[PDF] MERHAB-One-Pager (2024) -
This project is improving the effectiveness of existing NOAA and partner Sargassum detection and forecasting capabilities, facilitating a better ...
[PDF] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Mail - Coastal Ocean ...
Floating Sargassum seaweed in the Caribbean provides habitat and nurseries for a variety of marine life. However, in recent years, the region has seen ...
Assessing Societal Impacts of Harmful Macroalgae Blooms in the ...
We will examine how Sargassum seaweed blooms and their mitigation in the Caribbean affect multiple dimensions of social resilience, including economic ...
New Project Will Improve Sargassum Detection and Forecasting
Sargassum, a macroalgae, has become an increased nuisance and hazard on beaches along the Florida and U.S. Caribbean territory beaches in recent ...
[PDF] SEAHAB-One-Pager (2024) -
In the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico regions, Sargassum Inundation Events (SIEs) have become an increasingly persistent and severe nuisance since first ...
Sargassum is critical in the open ocean, but causes harm when washing ...
Sargassum plays a critical role as a foundational ecosystem builder in the open ocean, providing habitat, food, and shelter to many marine species ...
Infographic: What is Sargassum? - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal ...
What is Sargassum, where does it come from, and what happens when it washes ashore? Check out this new infographic to learn about the many facets of ...
[PDF] FLHABS101Resources - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
FLHABS101ResourcesResources for Harmful Algal Blooms in Florida
Causes of Harmful Algal Blooms and Toxicity - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
This blue-green algae causes harmful blooms in Lake Erie when warmer water (typically July to October) provides favorable bloom conditions. Sargassum ...
[PDF] RESTORE Council Monitoring and Assessment Program Development
Programs/projects will be documented as falling within one or more of the following habitat types: Water column (includes groundwater) Oyster/Bivalve ...
NCCOS Awards $14.1M for Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research
A beach on Saint Martin in the Caribbean (east of Puerto Rico) covered in Sargassum seaweed. Credit: NOAA AOML NCCOS is announcing $14.1 million in ...
Ecosystem Services Valuation Archives - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
Assessing Societal Impacts of Harmful Macroalgae B... We will examine how Sargassum seaweed blooms and their mitigation in the Caribbean affect ...
Community Vulnerability Assessment to Flood Hazard in the U.S. Virgin ...
Each map identifies priority geographies that warrant further investigation for future climate adaptation and improvement projects. Researchers also ...
¿Qué es el Sargazo? - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
NCCOS delivers ecosystem science solutions for stewardship of the nation’s ocean and coastal resources to sustain thriving coastal communities and ...
MERHAB - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Monitoring and Event Response (MERHAB) Our funding enhances state and regional monitoring with advanced harmful algae detection capabilities, from ...
Gulf of Mexico - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
In the Gulf of Mexico, some harmful algal blooms are caused by the microscopic algae species Karenia brevis, commonly called red tide. Karenia brevis ...