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Ocean Warming Expands Range of Harmful Algal Blooms
A recent study led by NCCOS and Stony Brook University concludes that rising ocean temperatures are expanding the geographical range of harmful algal ...
Value of the Pacific Northwest Harmful Algal Bloom Forecast
The Pacific Northwest (PNW) Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Bulletin is a forecasting tool that provides information to managers in both states to ...
Development of Satellite-derived Bathymetry and Benthic Habitat Maps to ...
The Department of Defense is charged with maintaining and protecting installations on atolls in the Pacific Ocean. Current maps of coastline and ...
NCCOS | Pacific Northwest Forecasts - National Oceanic and Atmospheric ...
The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) conducts and supports research, monitoring, assessments, and technical assistance to meet ...
The Columbia River Plume and Harmful Algal Blooms in the Pacific ...
This project is led by the University of Washington School of Oceanography in partnership with the University of California at Santa Cruz Ocean ...
Hypoxic Area off Pacific Northwest Coast has Grown Since 1950s
Massive die-offs of Dungeness crab have been documented off the Pacific Northwest Coast. Once dead, the crabs often wash up on beaches, such as these ...
New Pacific Ciguatoxins Identification and Analysis
Ciguatoxins originate from marine algae, such as Gambierdiscus spp., enter the food web through fish, and pass to humans. To improve detection methods ...
Toxic Cyanobacteria Span Coastal Watersheds from Rivers to Oceans
Research sponsored by NCCOS finds harmful cyanobacteria (aka blue-green algae) and their co-occurring cyanotoxins detectable and persistent in ...
Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics (GLOBEC) Northeast Pacific
In the Northeast Pacific Ocean, there is a close connection between the ecosystem dynamics in both of its major circulatory systems (gyres)—the ...
Advancing an Integrated HAB Detection and Monitoring System Across the ...
This project will improve monitoring and response to harmful blooms of cyanobacteria and marine algae and a suite of algal toxins they produce that ...
Pacific Northwest HAB Forecast Supports Popular Recreational Razor ...
NOAA funded partners released the latest Pacific Northwest Harmful Algal Blooms (PNW HAB) Forecast one week ahead of a three-day razor clam dig in ...
Oxygen Loss and Ecosystem Impacts in the California Current System
Global Earth System Models predict the North Pacific Ocean to be a region of substantial future oxygen loss. As ocean water heats up, its capacity to ...
Linking Coral Reefs, Coastal Watersheds, and Human Communities in the ...
Our research project combines ecological studies, physical oceanographic research, and social science to reduce human impacts (e.g., runoff, sediment ...
Wetlands in Intermittently Closed Estuaries Can Build Elevation to Keep ...
Along the U.S. Pacific Coast, many estuaries are not permanently open to the ocean, but shift between open and closed states. A NCCOS-supported study ...
Suitable Habitat for Pacific Halibut Predicted to Shrink in Future
Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in Glacier Bay, Alaska.Credit: National Park Service. A study by NCCOS-funded researchers predicts that ...
NCCOS Funds Investigation of Bioluminescent Red Tide Event Off Southern ...
NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science awarded $16,000 in Harmful Algal Bloom Event Response funding for researchers at Scripps Institution ...
Characterizing Potential Distributions of Deep-Sea Corals, Sponges, and ...
We developed spatial predictive models for deep-sea corals, sponges, and benthic macrofauna offshore of the continental U.S. West Coast. Maps and ...
Modeling At-sea Density of Marine Birds Informs Pacific Offshore Wind ...
NCCOS and partners published the at-sea spatial distributions of 33 species of marine birds for the contiguous U.S. Pacific outer continental shelf to ...
A Virtual First Look at Unexplored Seafloor - Gulf of the Farallones ...
The newly mapped ocean floor lies within the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, a protected area that spans 1,279 square miles (3,312 ...
Oregon Offshore Wind Updates: Proposed Sale Notice and New StoryMap
Region(s) of Study: Oregon, Pacific Ocean, U.S. States and Territories, Waterbodies Primary Contact(s): On April 30, in another ...