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Coastal Ocean Acidification - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal ...
Coastal Ocean Acidification Ocean acidification is driven predominantly by ocean uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), resulting in global-scale ...
Ocean Acidification: Understanding Changing Chemistry in Alaska Coastal ...
Ocean acidification is a problem created by the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, and it is harmful to certain plankton ...
Ocean Acidification Promotes Disruptive and Harmful Algal Blooms on Our ...
The general decline in ocean pH (i.e., more acidic conditions) from the increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) is well documented. Also ...
Study Reviews Causes of Acidification in Large Estuaries
With ocean acidification threatening the health of aquatic organisms, a study funded by NCCOS, NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program, and the National ...
Assessing Ocean Acidification as a Driver for Enhanced Metals Uptake by ...
Ocean acidification, resulting from changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, will impact how a variety of chemicals, including metals ...
Modeling Ocean Acidification in the Coastal Zone
Ocean acidification is an emerging global problem that threatens fisheries and related food webs. Studies have shown that a more acidic environment ...
ECOHAB - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
The effects of environmental or anthropogenic changes, such as eutrophication, ocean acidification, or climate change, on HABs and their impacts ...
Model Shows Ocean Acidification Could Outweigh Fishing Management ...
A new study, supported by NCCOS and the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program, examined a variety of marine ecosystems from the tropics to the arctic under ...
Coastal ocean acidification: The other eutrophication problem
To assess the potential for acidification in eutrophic estuaries, the levels of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide ...
Explaining Acidification and Nutrient Pollution in Texas Estuaries
Ocean acidification is the increase in acidity in the ocean caused primarily by the ocean’s uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This ...
Ocean Acidification and Sea Scallops: Predicting Impacts of Climate ...
The model will predict ocean acidification trends, determine effects on sea scallop populations and landings, and project impacts to the fishery and ...
Coastal Ocean Acidification: The Other Eutrophication Problem
A recent invited paper by scientists supported by NCCOS and theNOAA Ocean Acidification Program shows low pH conditions present in Narragansett Bay ...
'Acidification' Causes Crumbling of Deep-sea Corals Off California ...
Ocean acidification is progressing rapidly in the California current, and most cold-water hard corals are now in conditions that favor framework ...
Projected impacts of future climate change, ocean acidification, and ...
Ocean acidification has the potential to significantly impact both aquaculture and wild-caught mollusk fisheries around the world. In this work, we ...
Risks of ocean acidification in the California Current food web and ...
Here, we describe the effects of ocean acidification on an upwelling system that already experiences inherently low pH conditions, the California ...
Hypoxia and Ocean Acidification Mean Double Whammy for Marine Life
Conditions resulting in low dissolved oxygen (DO) in marine systems, also known as hypoxia, are a commonoccurrenceinoceans around the world. Ocean ...
NOAA Announces FY22 Funding Opportunity for Ocean Acidification and ...
NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Competitive Research Program and Ocean Acidification Program are pleased to announce a new 2022 ...
Ocean Acidification in the California Current: Predicting Impacts on ...
The model will project how effects of ocean acidification, low oxygen, temperature changes, and fishing pressure might interact to influence fish ...
Climate-induced Wind Upwelling Could Further Acidify Chesapeake Bay
A NCCOS and NOAA Ocean Acidification Program sponsored study investigated how physical properties such as winds, tides, and currents impact estuarine ...
Marine Shellfish Populations Estimated to be at Risk from Ocean ...
A new NCCOS-funded study shows that ocean acidification has the potential to harm wild populations of scallops and clams along the U.S. northeast ...