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Life and Death of Karenia brevis Blooms in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
An extensive bloom of the brevetoxin-producing Karenia brevis occurred from 2017 to 2019 in Florida. The economic, environmental, and human health ...
Seasonal Forecasting of Karenia brevis Red Tide Blooms in the Eastern ...
Blooms of Karenia brevis originate offshore in relatively nutrient and silicate-poor waters of the West Florida (continental) Shelf (WFS) before ...
Karenia brevis Nutrient Dynamics in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
In January 2005, a Karenia brevis bloom was first detected 25 miles offshore of St. Petersburg, Florida. This bloom persisted through January 2006 ...
Gulf of Mexico - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Karenia brevis blooms can cause respiratory illness and eye irritation in humans. It can also kill marine life, and lead to shellfish closures. Blooms ...
Southwest Florida Intensification Forecast - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
During the early bloom period (typically each fall), Karenia brevis cells—which persist in the bottom waters offshore—can be moved onshore to the ...
Estimating Economic Losses and Impacts of Florida Red Tide
The true costs of harmful algae blooms (HABs) and the mechanics that determine their devastating socioeconomic impacts are for the most part unknown ...
Implementing Karenia brevis Respiratory Risk Forecast System in the ...
The nearly annual blooms of Karenia brevis in the Gulf of Mexico adversely impact human and animal health, and cause significant economic losses. K. b ...
Implementing the Karenia “Tricorder” to Improve Red Tide Monitoring and ...
The toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis blooms annually in the Gulf of Mexico and negatively impacts human and ecosystem health through production of ...
Developing Biomarkers for Bloom Growth and Death in Florida Red Tides
The microscopic alga Karenia brevis causes harmful algal blooms (red tides) in the Gulf of Mexico. By studying the processes regulating the life cycle ...
Gulf of Mexico Algae Shield Themselves with Toxins When Hungry
A photograph of the microscopic algae Karenia brevis, the plant responsible for toxic red tides in the Gulf of Mexico. A species of algae responsible ...
Harmful Algal Bloom intensity related to ocean carbon dioxide levels
Recent findings show that increases in oceanic carbon dioxidefrom the burning of fossil fuels over the last 200 years may have increased the intensity ...
Application of Clay Flocculation for Removal of Karenia brevis Cells ...
Our goal is to assess the effectiveness, environmental acceptability, costs, and scalability of modified clay dispersal as a Karenia brevis (red tide) ...
Clay Treatments to Control Red Tide Unlikely to Harm Blue Crabs (Video ...
Blooms of the toxic marine algae Karenia brevis, commonly known as red tide, occur almost annually on Florida’s west coast, often killing other marine ...
Historical Data Used to Analyze Red Tide Bloom Dynamics in Southwest ...
Map of the study area. Nearly all annual blooms of the red tide-forming, toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis (K. brevis) pose a serious threat to ...
Identifying Bloom Origins of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Karenia brevis in ...
Harmful algal blooms caused by Karenia brevis result in large fish kills, human respiratory irritation, and shellfishing closures in affected areas ...
NOAA Funds Testing of Treatment for Birds Sickened by Florida Red Tide
A bloom of the red tide organism Karenia brevis, which produces brevetoxin, has persisted and expanded off the coast of Southwest Florida since ...
NCCOS Awards New Event Response Funding for Florida Red Tide
The bloom of the red tide alga, Karenia brevis, originated offshore of southwest Florida in October 2017. It intensified and moved closer to shore in ...
Life and Death of a Karenia Bloom in the Western Gulf of Mexico
Blooms of Karenia brevis occur nearly annually along the Florida coast which has led to intense study. Less is known about the processes that drive ...
2017-2018 Florida Red Tide Determined by Ocean Circulation
Cells of Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide, were transported along the bottom by upwelling circulation to the Florida shoreline “epicenter” between ...
Gliders Map Red Tide in Gulf of Mexico for Rapid Response
The bloom of Karenia brevis, Florida Red Tide, was detected by an NCCOS-sponsored new modeling tool on July 23 and the Florida Fish and Wildlife ...