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The Columbia River Plume and Harmful Algal Blooms in the Pacific ...
The first incidences of PSP in Washington State were documented in the Strait of Juan de Fuca in 1942 when Native American children died after eating ...
An Early Warning System for Pseudo-nitzschia Harmful Algal Blooms on ...
The team will also institute new, low-cost harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring for offshore HAB “hotspots” such as the Juan de Fuca Eddy and Heceta ...
NCCOS Prepares Toxin Sensor for Deployment in Puget Sound, WA
The ESP’s location near the Juan de Fuca eddy was selected with the aim of providing an early warning of potential DA toxicity to coastal managers and ...
Rapid Detection and Analysis of Harmful Algal Blooms
seawater samples by boat from the Juan de Fuca eddy, an offshore hotspot for HABs that is also known by the Makah as “The Prai-rie”. Seawater samples ...
[PDF] Paci˜c Northwest HAB risk key: Harmful Algal Blooms Bulletin
the Juan de Fuca eddy and Heceta Bank and tracked three days into the future. Title: PNW_HAB_Bulletin_20210411 Created Date: 4/11/2021 3:04:12 PM ...
Factors regulating excystment of Alexandrium in Puget Sound, WA, USA
by the Strait of Juan de Fuca, a turbulent passage 160 km long (Thomson, 1994). The geography of Puget Sound is complex and includes three main ...
WestShelf03Report Draft 10 29 08
Ecological Condition of Coastal Ocean Waters along the U.S. Western Continental Shelf: 2003 September 2008 Prepared By Walter G. Nelson1, Jeffrey L ...
Risk of Shellfish Toxicity Predicted by Temperature and Salinity
In the Salish Sea region of the Pacific Northwest (the Puget Sound, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Strait of Georgia),Alexandrium bloomsare common ...
study NST_Sample_ID NST_Site General_Location Specific_Location Fiscal_Year Collection_Date Matrix Scientific_Name Method Parameter Result Unit ...
NCCOS Science, Funding are Backbone of U.S. HAB Monitoring and Bridge ...
The schematic diagram of the outer Washington coast shows the locations of semi-retentive oceanographic features that are known to be HAB initiation ...
Modeling Seabird Distributions off the Pacific Coast of Washington
Many scientists contributed to the development of this report and the corresponding seabird models it describes. Contributors provided seabird ...
Daily Real-Time Observations Help Improve Domoic Acid Forecasts
Due to the duration of battery life and supplies within each sensor, ESPfriday was replaced midway through the season by ESPeddie (named for its ...
[PPT] Studies of Soft-Bottom Benthos & Chemical Contaminants in Sediments ...
Assessing Ecological Conditions in U.S. Coastal-Ocean Waters: Information support for the South Carolina Ocean Monitoring Workshop April 27, 2009
Study Reviews Causes of Acidification in Large Estuaries
It represents a comprehensive system of deep basins with a strong oceanic upwelling component. Inflowing coastal waters from the Strait of Juan de ...
NCCOS | Delaware Bay Forecasts
Delaware Bay Forecasts Delaware Bay Forecasts Best Harvest Window Graphs Click one of the markers on the map to see a graph of Vp doublings in a ...
Real-time HAB and Toxin Sensors Deployed in Pacific Northwest
An environmental sample processor (ESP) was deployed on May 23 to monitor for harmful algal blooms (HABs) and their toxins off the coast of La Push ...
| Data in Your State -
The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) conducts and supports research, monitoring, assessments, and technical assistance to meet ...
Linking Chlorophyll Concentration and Wind Patterns in the California ...
The study recommends that future work focus on understanding the role of mesoscale retention driven by geographic features and wind intermittency, as ...
NCCOS | Delaware Forecasts
The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) conducts and supports research, monitoring, assessments, and technical assistance to meet ...
NOAA Bathymetric Data Viewer - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
This interactive viewer allows for the identification of NOAA bathymetric data for both visualization and download. The viewer contains single-beam ...