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NOAA Forecasts Above Average ‘Dead Zone’ for Gulf of Mexico in Summer ...
The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico affects nationally important commercial and recreational fisheries and threatens the region’s economy. NOAA issues ...
An Aquaculture Opportunity Area Atlas for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
Presidential Executive Order 13921 (E.O.), Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic Growth (May 7, 2020), called for the expansion of ...
Dead Zone - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
The interagency Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force was established in the fall of 1997 as part of a process of considering options ...
Gulf of Mexico - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
In the Gulf of Mexico, some harmful algal blooms are caused by the microscopic algae species Karenia brevis, commonly called red tide. Karenia brevis ...
Gulf of Mexico Archives - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
The Louisiana shelf (LA shelf) in the northern Gulf of Mexico experiences hypoxic conditions every summer due to the combination of eutrophication and ...
Operational Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Monitoring - NCCOS
The Gulf of Mexico hypoxia monitoring cruise is an annual shelf-wide survey of the Gulf’s hypoxic area (i.e., “dead zone”) and the survey is the ...
Below Average Summer 2023 ‘Dead Zone’ Measured in Gulf of Mexico
NCCOS-supported scientists have determined that this year’s Gulf of Mexico “ dead zone ” — an area of low oxygen that can kill fish and marine life — ...
NOAA, Partners Predict an Average 'Dead Zone' for Gulf of Mexico
The Gulf of Mexico hypoxia forecast is based on nutrient runoff and river stream data from the USGS. The USGS operates more than 3,000 real-time ...
NOAA Forecasts Average ‘Dead Zone’ for Gulf of Mexico
The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico affects nationally important commercial and recreational fisheries and threatens the region’s economy. NOAA issues ...
Larger than Expected Summer ‘Dead Zone’ Measured in Gulf of Mexico
This measurement brings the five-year average to 5,380 square miles, which is 2.8 times larger than the 2035 target set by the Mississippi River/Gulf ...
Gulf of Mexico ‘Dead Zone’ Largest Ever Measured
Scientists have determined this year’s Gulf of Mexico “dead zone,” an area of low oxygen that can kill fish and marine life, is 8,776 square miles, an ...
Large ‘Dead Zone’ Measured in Gulf of Mexico - NCCOS
For the map, at 6,952 square miles, this year’s hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico is the 8th largest ever measured in the 33-year record, measured ...
Smaller than Average Summer ‘Dead Zone’ Measured in Gulf of Mexico
For more information about the 2020 Gulf of Mexico dead zone, watch this quick video or read the NOAA Press Release. At 2,116 square miles, this ...
Scientists Use New Technique to Measure Size of Gulf of Mexico Dead ...
Every summer, the largest hypoxic zone in the U.S. forms in the northern Gulf of Mexico, resulting in widespread ecosystem and economic impacts ...
Smaller than Expected Summer 2022 ‘Dead Zone’ Measured in Gulf of Mexico
NCCOS-supported scientists have determined that this year’s Gulf of Mexico “dead zone” — an area of low oxygen that can kill fish and marine life — is ...
Gulf of Mexico Harmful Algal Bloom FAQs - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
NOAA’s Gulf of Mexico HAB Forecast provides information and operational forecasts regarding the potential development, intensification, transport and ...
Identifying Potential Wind Energy Areas in the Gulf of Mexico
The Gulf of Mexico is a region with immense potential for wind energy due to its strong and consistent winds. However, finding the optimal areas for ...
Visual Story Maps Highlight Sea Level Rise Impacts in the Gulf of Mexico
Using “what if” examples for Hurricanes Katrina and Dennis, the storm surge story map simulates future potential sea level rise scenarios for storm ...
Evidence of climate-driven ecosystem reorganization in the Gulf of Mexico
The Gulf of Mexico is one of the most ecologically and economically valuable marine ecosystems in the world and is affected by a variety of natural ...
Harmful Algae from Satellite for Southwest Florida - NCCOS
To access the Florida Gulf of Mexico HAB Forecast System, click here and view Satellite imagery with latest sampling data here. For information and ...