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Gulf of Mexico - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
In the Gulf of Mexico, some harmful algal blooms are caused by the microscopic algae species Karenia brevis, commonly called red tide. Karenia brevis ...
Above Average Summer 2024 ‘Dead Zone’ Measured in Gulf of Mexico
This measurement brings the five-year average to 4,298 square miles, which is more than two times larger than the 2035 target set by the Mississippi ...
Dead Zone - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
The interagency Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force was established in the fall of 1997 as part of a process of considering options ...
Gulf of Mexico ‘Dead Zone’ Largest Ever Measured
Scientists have determined this year’s Gulf of Mexico “dead zone,” an area of low oxygen that can kill fish and marine life, is 8,776 square miles, an ...
Gulf of Mexico Harmful Algal Bloom FAQs - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
NOAA’s Gulf of Mexico HAB Forecast provides information and operational forecasts regarding the potential development, intensification, transport and ...
NGOMEX - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystems & Hypoxia Assessment (NGOMEX) Background The northern portion of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem, a region containing ...
Scientific Support for Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Community ...
Mesophotic and deep benthic communities (MDBC) in the Gulf of Mexico are complex ecosystems spread across vast areas of the ocean floor. While ...
Evidence of climate-driven ecosystem reorganization in the Gulf of Mexico
The Gulf of Mexico is one of the most ecologically and economically valuable marine ecosystems in the world and is affected by a variety of natural ...
Operational Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Monitoring - NCCOS - National ...
The Gulf of Mexico hypoxia monitoring cruise is an annual shelf-wide survey of the Gulf’s hypoxic area (i.e., “dead zone”) and the survey is the ...
Determining Habitat Requirements and Connectivity for Reef Fishes in ...
The Gulf of Mexico is one of our nation’s most shared ocean spaces. Its outer continental shelf supplies approximately 20 percent of the total U.S ...
An Aquaculture Opportunity Area Atlas for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
Presidential Executive Order 13921 (E.O.), Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic Growth (May 7, 2020), called for the expansion of ...
Identifying Potential Wind Energy Areas in the Gulf of Mexico
The Gulf of Mexico is a region with immense potential for wind energy due to its strong and consistent winds. However, finding the optimal areas for ...
Gulf of Mexico Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities Restoration
Mapping Ground-Truthing and Predictive Habitat Modeling. We will carry-out high-resolution mapping efforts to determine the abundance and distribution ...
Understanding Coral Ecosystem Connectivity in the Gulf of Mexico from ...
In June 2018, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council voted to expand the Pulley Ridge Habitat Area of Particular Concern to include the new ...
Coastal Observational Monitoring and Assessment Resource Inventory ...
Two phases of CMAP were supported by an inventory built with the COMARI framework for the Gulf of Mexico where Phase 1 focused on existing water ...
Gliders Map Red Tide in Gulf of Mexico for Rapid Response
The bloom of Karenia brevis, Florida Red Tide, was detected by an NCCOS-sponsored new modeling tool on July 23 and the Florida Fish and Wildlife ...
West Florida Shelf and Dry Tortugas Impact Gulf of Mexico Loop Current
A composite Self-Organizing Map image of Loop Current intrusion into the Gulf of Mexico based on mean dynamic topography and calculated surface ...
A Geospatial Assessment of U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Essential ...
NCCOS Assessment: Modeled Distribution of sand shoals of the Gulf of Mexico and US Atlantic Coast (NCEI Accession 0221906) Predicted distribution of ...
Hypoxia Leads to Atlantic Croaker Decline in Gulf of Mexico, Models ...
The Gulf of Mexico receives large freshwater inputs every spring, especially from the Mississippi River, which contains high concentrations of ...
Gulf of Mexico Deepwater 3D Seismic Bathymetry
Created by utilizing 3D seismic data which covers more than 90,000 square miles of enhanced resolution bathymetry data for the deep waters of the Gulf ...