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Endangered Species Act Large Whale Recovery (Silver Spring, MD or ...
NOAA Fisheries shares responsibility for implementing the Endangered Species Act (ESA) with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Both agencies are ...
Scientists Survey Threatened Queen Conch in Port Everglades
This spring, scientists surveyed one of only two known reproductively active aggregations of adult queen conch, a species listed earlier this year as ...
NCCOS Supports Manatee Health and Habitat Assessments in Georgia and ...
For more than 40 years, the Florida manatee was listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. In 2017, manatee population gains ...
The species has been listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act since 2006, with population decline due primarily to thermal stress and ...
Modeling Identifies Locations for Elkhorn Coral Restoration in Florida ...
The species has been listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act since 2006, making it a focus of coral restoration efforts over the last ...
Investigating the Long-term Effects of Chronic Turbidity on Two ESA ...
The results of this project will be used by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Protected Resources and the NMFS Habitat Conservation ...
ESA Threatened Coral Explorer v2.0 - NCCOS - National Centers for ...
Shows where Endangered Species Act (ESA) threatened coral species can be found in the Gulf of Mexico region and allows the user to measure distance ...
New Publication Shows Distribution of Threatened Coral Species in ...
However, population declines of these coral species have occurred in U.S. waters causing all three to be listed as Threatened under the U.S ...
National Coral Reef Monitoring Program Sampling in the U.S. Virgin ...
Divers survey a variety of habitats around both islands and always appreciate the dives where they can see endangered species thriving, such as ...
NCCOS Supports 20-year Plan to Restore Seven Coral Reefs in Florida ...
The first phase, designed to increase coral cover from two to 15 percent over 10 years, will focus on restoring elkhorn and staghorn corals ...
Coral Assessment and Restoration Results Released for U.S. Caribbean ...
These coral species create three-dimensional, structurally-complex reefs that reduce wave energy and provide habitat for many coral reef organisms ...
Coastal Aquaculture Planning Portal (CAPP) - NCCOS
Shows where Endangered Species Act (ESA) threatened coral species can be found in the Gulf of Mexico region and allows the user to measure distance ...
A Management Tool to Reduce Sea Turtle Bycatch in the U.S. Atlantic ...
All five species of sea turtles inhabiting the U.S. Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico are listed as either endangered or threatened under the ...
CDHC workshop report: guidance for an epidemiological strategy and ...
Acropora palmata was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in May 2006 (71 FR 26852). In 2012, the National Marine Fisheries Service ...
National Coral Reef Institute Researchers Increase Supply of Staghorn ...
Staghorn Coral. Staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis, a former dominant reef building species in the Caribbean, provides habitat to thousands of ...
National Coral Reef Institute (NCRI) - NCCOS - NCCOS Coastal Science ...
The degradation of coral reef ecosystems has progressed to the point where two key reef-building species of Caribbean/Atlantic coral, elkhorn coral ...
Assessment of Hurricane Impacts to Coral Reefs in Florida and Puerto ...
This emergency stabilization can greatly reduce the number of coral colonies lost from storm impacts. This is a benefit to not only coral populations ...
Characterizing Shallow-water Benthic Habitats Around the Tinian ...
The purpose of the JRM INRMP is to maintain long-term ecosystem health and operational requirements of the DoD mission while minimizing impacts to ...
Water Quality Monitoring Supports Coral Restoration Efforts in Puerto ...
Gravely threatened corals, including those protected under the Endangered Species Act, fringe the island and provide habitat to recreationally and ...
National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Assessment of coral communities ...
However, the sampling resolution may not capture the population structure of rare or uncommon corals, including currently-listed or candidate ...