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Mapping Coastal Elevations and Water Depths Using Unmanned Vehicles ...
Elevations and depths can be derived from these photographs using Structure from Motion (SfM) software. SfM uses overlapping photographs (collected by ...
Researchers Document Recent Elevation Trends in North Carolina Coastal ...
Quin Walker (NCCOS) reading a SET at Cedar Island National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina. Coastal managers need information about which wetlands are ...
NOAA Bathymetric Data Viewer
This interactive viewer allows for the identification of NOAA bathymetric data for both visualization and download. The viewer contains single-beam ...
Salt Marsh Ecology in an Era of Sea Level Rise
To do so, we are using a combination of field surveys and experimental manipulations to evaluate the growth of above and below ground tissues of ...
New Study Suggests Marsh Models Require Mucking Through Marshes to Get ...
RTK-adjusted elevations are an added layer and involves adjusting the lidar data through collecting elevation with a particular GPS every 20 meters ...
Wetlands in Intermittently Closed Estuaries Can Build Elevation to Keep ...
The closure-scenario modeling showed that regular annual ICE closure can promote sediment accretion rates and increase marsh elevations fast enough to ...
Study Offers Novel Approach for Estimating More Accurate Marsh Surface ...
Marsh elevations have often been determined from DEMs (digital elevation models) that are derived from lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) that is ...
Restoring our Nation’s Wetlands using MAPTITE: A Marsh Analysis and ...
Therefore, restoration efforts require judicious planning and a thorough knowledge of elevations, as well as careful selection of vegetation types ...
Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise in North Carolina: Maps, Marshes ...
On the physical modeling side, our NOAA partners adjusted land elevations and water depths to a common vertical datum, integrated bathymetry for the ...
Terrain-driven unstructured mesh development through semi-automatic ...
A semi-automated vertical feature terrain extraction algorithm is described and applied to a two-dimensional, depth-integrated, shallow water equation ...
Marsh macrophyte responses to inundation anticipate impacts of sea ...
In situ persistence of coastal marsh habitat as sea level rises depends on whether macrophytes induce compensatory accretion of the marsh surface ...
Dynamic responses and implications to coastal wetlands and the ...
Two distinct microtidal estuarine systems were assessed to advance the understanding of the coastal dynamics of sea level rise in salt marshes. A ...
Study Incorporates Uncertainty to Improve Projections for How Sea Level ...
Figure 1: Study model projections of mean tidal marsh elevations (top) and carbon accumulation (bottom) across four sea level rise scenarios ...
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science - NCCOS
Mapping Coastal Elevations and Water Depths Using Unmanned Vehicles (Drones) Coral Monitoring and Assessment. Monitoring coral reef ecosystems ...
NCCOS Tests Drones to Map Coastline and Nearshore Waters
In December, NCCOS scientists and their partners used both airborne and water surface drones to map land elevations and water depths around Santa Cruz ...
Online Tool Visualizes Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Fishponds ...
The TNC models used to create the online app incorporate flood frequency, magnitude, as well as both ocean and groundwater elevations to predict when ...
Study Shows Newport Bay Marshes Can Keep Pace with Slow Sea Level Rise
Figure 1. Image taken from Brand et al. 2022. Spatial distribution of contoured habitat elevations in 2100 from Delft3D (left panels), WARMER (middle ...
Seafloor Characterization of the U.S. Caribbean
Since 2004, we have been conducting seafloor mapping of the U.S. Caribbean, to fill critical informational gaps to support improved management ...
NOAA Evaluates Using Drones to Map Coastline and Nearshore Waters
The researchers also collected independent reference data sets to verify the position of the photos and validate the elevations and depths derived ...
Guidelines for Bathymetric Mapping and Orthoimage Generation using sUAS ...
The absence of accurate, contemporary, or detailed bathymetric data in nearshore coastal waters impedes coastal research, conservation, disaster ...