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Climate Impacts on Ecosystems: - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
Using climate and weather data to predict coastal ecosystem changes and impacts, NCCOS conducts science on the ever-growing threats of climate change ...
Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on Seagrass Ecosystems
Seagrass ecosystems continue to suffer from resource extraction, coastal development, waste dumping, and global impacts from climate warming, sea ...
Climate Indicators and Blue Crab Resilience in Chesapeake Bay
Chesapeake Bay resources, including the indigenous blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), are facing multiple climate- and weather-related threats ...
Climate Change Impacts on Intertidal Zone Populations
We forecasted the impact of climate change on the suitability of estuaries and rocky intertidal shores as nursery grounds for commercially and ...
Climate Change - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Changes in climate and an increase in extreme events can alter coastal ecosystems and the services those ecosystems provide to support our coastal ...
Weather and Water: Using weather data to create models and tools to ...
Understanding and predicting climate-related issues along coastlines is important for management and coastal resiliency. We provide scientific ...
The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change on Coastal ...
While the focus will be on the impacts of climate to coastal and marine resources, it has also proven necessary to focus on climate forcing mechanisms ...
Predicting Impacts of Sea Level Rise in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
The northern Gulf of Mexico coast benefits economically from a wealth of natural resources that depend on healthy coastal ecosystems. However, these e ...
Potential climate-change impacts on the Chesapeake Bay
We review current understanding of the potential impact of climate change on the Chesapeake Bay. Scenarios for CO2 emissions indicate that by the end ...
Florida Regional Ecosystem Stressors Collaborative Assessment (FRESCA)
We are investigating the current and future impacts of five key stressors–ocean acidification, hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, warming, and ...
Influence of Shoreline Changes on Chesapeake and Delmarva Bay Ecosystems
Science Area(s): Climate Impacts on Ecosystems, Coastal Change, Marine Spatial Ecology, Other Topics, Regional Ecosystem Science, Restoration, Sea ...
Evaluating the Performance of Nature-Based Solutions: A Systematic Map
However, their capacity to provide protection is threatened by a changing climate and other human-caused stressors. The implementation of nature-based ...
NOAA Awards $4.2 Million for Multi-stressor Research on South Florida’s ...
NOAA has awarded $1,793,983 of an anticipated four-year, $4.2 million project to support research on multi-stressor impacts on marine ecosystems under ...
Ecological Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Flood Protection and Blue ...
The outputs will help land managers, policymakers, scientists, and the public plan for coastal climate change and develop management actions that ...
Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise in North Carolina: Maps, Marshes ...
The effects of sea level rise on North Carolina coastal habitats are currently occurring and are expected to accelerate due to climate change. The ...
Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics (GLOBEC) Northeast Pacific
Science Area(s): Climate Impacts on Ecosystems, Coastal Change, Other Topics, Sponsored Research; Region(s) of Study: California, Oregon, U.S. States ...
New Methodology Combines Observations from Different Satellites for ...
Science Area(s): Climate Impacts on Ecosystems, Coastal Change, Other Topics, Sea Level Rise, Sponsored Research, ... Coastal wetlands (i.e., marshes) ...
Coastal Ocean Acidification - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal ...
Coastal Ocean Acidification Ocean acidification is driven predominantly by ocean uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), resulting in global-scale ...
Ocean Acidification and Sea Scallops: Predicting Impacts of Climate ...
The model will predict ocean acidification trends, determine effects on sea scallop populations and landings, and project impacts to the fishery and ...
Understanding and Predicting Changes in Coastal Marsh Ecosystem ...
The ability of coastal marshes to persist and deliver ecosystem services depends on whether they can accrete sediment and rise vertically at a speed ...