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Climate Indicators and Blue Crab Resilience in Chesapeake Bay
Chesapeake Bay resources, including the indigenous blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), are facing multiple climate- and weather-related threats ...
Potential climate-change impacts on the Chesapeake Bay
We review current understanding of the potential impact of climate change on the Chesapeake Bay. Scenarios for CO2 emissions indicate that by the end ...
Chesapeake Bay Climate Sensitivity Assessment
The Chesapeake Bay is one of the largest estuaries in the world, economically valuable for its productive habitats, valuable fisheries, and ...
A 2015 Assessment of Metals, Legacy Contaminants, and Contaminants of ...
Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuarine system in the continental United States, with a watershed that covers over 64,000 square miles over parts of ...
Living Shorelines in Chesapeake Bay Improve Benthic Communities
A new NCCOS-funded study tracked the effects of living shoreline construction on benthic (bottom-dwelling) invertebrate animal communities in ...
NCCOS | Chesapeake Bay -
Chesapeake Bay Chesapeake Bay Vp Concentration in Chesapeake Bay Oysters, Post-Harvest. Below is today's prediction of expected concentrations of Vp ...
NCCOS | Vibrio vulnificus - Chesapeake Bay - National Oceanic and ...
Vibrio vulnificus - Chesapeake Bay Vv Probability in Chesapeake Bay Full View. Below is a running loop of predictions for the previous 6 days, current ...
Forecast Predicts Occurrence of Pathogenic Vibrio Bacteria in ...
Vibrio vulnificus model results for Chesapeake Bay – June 13, 2023. Credit: NOAA. NOAA produces a forecast that tells public health officials in ...
Developing a Chesapeake Bay HAB Monitoring and Forecast System for ...
In the Chesapeake Bay and mid-Atlantic region, late summer blooms of Margalefidinium polykrikoides have occurred nearly annually for decades. Since ...
NCCOS | Vibrio vulnificus - Chesapeake Bay - National Oceanic and ...
Vibrio vulnificus - Chesapeake Bay Vibrio vulnificus - Chesapeake Bay Vv Probability in Chesapeake Bay. Below is the current day's prediction of ...
NCCOS | Chesapeake Bay - Today's Forecast - National Oceanic and ...
Chesapeake Bay - Today's Forecast Chesapeake Bay - Today's Forecast Vp Concentration in Chesapeake Bay Oysters at Harvest. Below is the current day's ...
Scientists Expect Slightly Below Average Chesapeake Bay 'Dead Zone ...
The Chesapeake Bay Program coordinates a multi-year effort to restore the water and habitat quality to enhance its productivity. The forecast and ...
Development and Implementation of an Operational Harmful Algal Bloom ...
This project developed a prototype operational statistical nowcast/forecast system for three harmful algal bloom (HAB) organisms in the Chesapeake Bay ...
Can Meadows of Underwater Grasses Help Mitigate the Harmful Effects of ...
Oysters are an iconic species in the Chesapeake Bay, providing a food resource, livelihood for watermen, water filtration, and habitat for other ...
Nutrient Crediting of Oyster Aquaculture in Chesapeake Bay
Jurisdictions within the Chesapeake Bay watershed can now include harvested oyster tissue as a nutrient reduction BMP in their watershed ...
Where is the Fish Food? Chesapeake Bay Mesozooplankton Abundance and ...
The purpose of this project is to collect and document the abundance and composition of Chesapeake Bay mesozooplankton, an important food source for ...
Declining Oxygen Levels Threaten Oysters in Chesapeake Bay
The Chesapeake Bay was once home to vast numbers of the edible eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. (Credit: Maryland Sea Grant) Hypoxia is commonly ...
NCCOS Assists Response to Ongoing HAB in the Lower Chesapeake Bay
NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) provided a Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Event Response award of $6,820 to the Virginia ...
Chesapeake Bay Vibrio Pathogen Forecast - NCCOS
We forecast where and when pathogens are most likely to be found in the Chesapeake Bay, based on the salinity and temperature of the water. Public ...
NCCOS Featured for Work on Oysters as a Nutrient BMP
This means jurisdictions within the Chesapeake Bay watershed can now include harvested oyster tissue as a nutrient reduction BMP to fulfill nutrient ...