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Atlantic Ocean Archives - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
North Carolina has some of the best conditions to support offshore wind energy in the Southeast U.S. Three wind energy areas (WEA) identified by the ...
Great Star Corals Genetically Similar at Different Depths Across ...
Dr. Alexis Sturm carries coral samples during a deep dive in Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. Credit: Dr. Joshua Voss. NCCOS-funded ...
Modeling and mapping marine bird distributions on the U.S. Atlantic ...
The purpose of this project was to produce high-resolution predictive maps of marine bird relative density within U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental ...
Atlantic Ocean Temperature Rise Could Favor Species Expansion
Warming ocean temperatures could favor the expansion of the invasive Indo-Pacific Lionfish and native tropical species distributions within the Atlant ...
Ocean Acidification and Sea Scallops: Predicting Impacts of Climate ...
The model will predict ocean acidification trends, determine effects on sea scallop populations and landings, and project impacts to the fishery and ...
New Study Provides Insights into Marine Bird Distributions on US ...
The study, “ Modeling the Distributions of Marine Birds at Sea to Inform Planning of Energy Development on the US Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf,” ...
Connectivity of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary with the ...
To understand how Gray’s Reef supports animal movements throughout the western Atlantic Ocean, we are analyzing ten years’ worth of acoustic telemetry ...
Influence of Shoreline Changes on Chesapeake and Delmarva Bay ...
Working in partnership with management agencies, scientists will predict what these multiple stressors do to Mid-Atlantic coastal ecosystems. It will ...
New Manual for Lionfish Control Identifies Strategies for Local ...
The introduction of lionfish into the Atlantic Ocean is now recognized as one of the biggest ecological disasters of the last two decades. They now ...
A Geospatial Assessment of U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Essential ...
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is charged with the environmentally responsible management of Outer Continental Shelf resources (e.g ...
Study Reviews Causes of Acidification in Large Estuaries
With ocean acidification threatening the health of aquatic organisms, a study funded by NCCOS, NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program, and the National ...
Weather and Water: Using weather data to create models and tools to ...
Weather patterns have also been used to 1) evaluate satellite chlorophyll a and water clarity patterns in the Great Lakes and South Florida; 2) track ...
An integrated assessment of the introduction of lionfish (Pterois ...
Lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles complex) are venomous coral reef fishes from the Indian and western Pacific oceans that are now found in the western ...
Study Confirms Red Tide’s Self-sustaining Seasonal Life Cycle in ...
An NCCOS-sponsored study has validated a 40-year old theory that the Chesapeake Bay bloom-forming harmful alga Prorocentrum minimum has a seasonal ...
Projected impacts of future climate change, ocean acidification, and ...
Ocean acidification has the potential to significantly impact both aquaculture and wild-caught mollusk fisheries around the world. In this work, we ...
Study Identifies Potential Foraging Areas Used by Endangered ...
The findings provide evidence that both the mid- and south Atlantic bights may be significant foraging grounds for leatherback turtles. Data from the ...
Blushing Star Coral from Deeper Reefs May Help Replenish Shallow Reefs ...
A colony of blushing star coral, Stephanocoenia intersepta, on a mesophotic reef in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.Credit: Ryan Eckert ...
Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics (GLOBEC) Northwest Atlantic
Georges Bank, located off Cape Cod has long supported important commercial fisheries. From 1996 to 2008, NCCOS partnered with the National Science ...
Climate-induced Wind Upwelling Could Further Acidify Chesapeake Bay
A NCCOS and NOAA Ocean Acidification Program sponsored study investigated how physical properties such as winds, tides, and currents impact estuarine ...
NOAA Bathymetric Data Viewer
This interactive viewer allows for the identification of NOAA bathymetric data for both visualization and download. The viewer contains single-beam ...