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Harmful Algal Blooms May Soon Wreak Havoc in Arctic Alaska
Climatic changes in Arctic Alaska are resulting in more harmful algal blooms (HABs) for the region, signaling a potential growing threat to human and ...
ECOHAB - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
ECOHAB is a national, peer-reviewed, competitive research funding program that seeks to achieve a holistic, quantitative understanding of nuisance and ...
Ice Seals as Sentinels for Algal Toxins in the Pacific Arctic
The finding suggests that ice seals are suitable sentinels for monitoring harmful algal bloom (HAB) prevalence in the Pacific Arctic and subarctic ...
Trophic Transfer and Effects of HAB Toxins in Alaskan Marine Food Webs
As the climate has warmed over the past few decades, Arctic and sub-Arctic waters have experienced dramatic changes. These changes have begun to ...
New Publication Reports Prevalence of Shellfish Toxins in Arctic Marine ...
The paper, published in Harmful Algae, sheds new light on threats from toxic algal blooms and is a first step toward understanding how a changing ...
Study_Name,NST_Site,General_Location,Specific_Location,Latitude,Longitude,State_Name,Coastal_Ecological_Area,Reg_Nm Alaska Arctic ...
New Study Finds Growing Potential for Toxic Algal Blooms in Alaskan Arctic
Satellite image of Bering Sea algal bloom. Provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE. Changes in the northern ...
NCCOS Supports Rapid Detection and Risk Communication During 2022 ...
The new technologies used to track this harmful algal bloom (HAB) event and real-time collaborative communication with western Alaska entities to ...
Harmful Algal Bloom Workshop Focuses on Alaskan Coastal Communities
Climatic changes in Arctic Alaska are resulting in more harmful algal blooms (HABs) for the region, signaling a potential growing threat to human and ...
NCCOS Supports Study that Reveals Algal Toxins in Offshore Arctic Clams
NCCOS and NOAA’s Arctic Program supported research that led to an important discovery in the Bering Strait and North Slope regions of Alaska that ...
Arctic Estuaries Survey 2015: Blog #5 - NCCOS - National Centers for ...
A high pressure cell to our north and a low to the south combine to pump cold Arctic air from the northern ice pack in on us. It is cold working in ...
Characterization of Benthic Habitats and Contaminant Assessment in ...
However, in the Arctic, current and future oil and gas extraction and transport on the water and in the watershed constitute the most significant ...
Arctic Estuaries Survey 2015: Blog #2 -
Monday night we expect to cross the Arctic Circle shortly after midnight. Most people on the ship have never been this far north. There is a little ...
Assessing the Health and Quality of Arctic Estuaries
Ian Hartwell and Mark Bradley retrieving a Smith McIntyre grab sampler on the NOAA RV Ron Brown in the Arctic Ocean. Credit: NOAA. NCCOSled a ...
Arctic Estuaries Survey 2015: Blog 6 - NCCOS - National Centers for ...
Elson Lagoon and Dease Inlet are separated from the open Arctic Ocean by a series of barrier islands known as the Plover Islands. There are several ...
Arctic Estuaries Survey 2015: Blog #1 -
Because the Arctic is so far away, nobody in Kodiak has the chips with the charts on them. This will be more than a little inconvenient. On the other ...
NCCOS Participates in NAS Arctic Research and Coordination Meeting
An official website of the United States government. Here's how you know we're official.
Arctic Estuaries Survey 2015: Blog #4 - NCCOS - NCCOS Coastal Science ...
The captain keeps a keen eye on the weather patterns daily as they develop, but weather predictions in the Arctic are really only good for a few days ...
Arctic & Antarctic Activity Book - NCCOS Coastal Science Website
An activity book designed to introduce elementary school children to the animal, aquatic and ecology of the Arctic and Antarctic. Access Data/Report ...
Coastal Ocean Acidification - NCCOS - National Centers for Coastal ...
Coastal Ocean Acidification Ocean acidification is driven predominantly by ocean uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), resulting in global-scale ...