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...the baseline for the plank scale. The two-mile run minimum score was initially...will be required to complete the ACFT two-mile run faster than the ...
...tractor began to tip, the operator jumped from the cab. As he hit the and died from injuries received. Two employees were using a ...
...described an in-service incident where he jumped from a truck while wearing a heavy...reasoned that the Veteran's STRs document two reports of back ...
...characterized the Veteran's bilateral foot claim to include plantar fasciitis and...that the Veteran wanted to pursue each foot condition separately ...
...arthritis of the spine, knee pain, and foot pain. All of these conditions have already...had been a paratrooper with numerous jumps 'indicates' that ...
Greek competition, she learned to jump four-foot fences [on her horse], and she...Anthony once said, "There is not one foot of advance ground upon ...
...policies and procedure at least every two years for adequacy and legal sufficiency...19.19. Ability to patrol an area on foot and/or in a vehicle ...
Entitlement to service connection for a left foot disorder, to include as due to exposure...spine fusion surgery, my back, left foot surgery and knee ...
...badly injured Army Ranger at Normandy. Two years later, we were visiting Arizona...West Wing, he laughed and said, 'The two most famous sets of ears ...
...use of both feet or one hand and one foot, or is blind in both eyes, or is permanently...The term “loss of use” of a hand or foot is defined by 38 ...
Entitlement to service connection for foot spurs is remanded. Entitlement to service...of the Veteran, his bilateral flat foot and plantar fasciitis ...
...through when jumping out of a plane, by doing a simulated jump....A jump tower gives garrison employees a glimpse into paratrooper life By ...
Contact Us Two People Injured Due to Jumping October 10, 2014 Posted by: Zion...October 10th, Zion NP received reports of two visitors requiring ...
Neil and Buzz walked flat footed, putting one foot in front of the other but...floated forward before planting the next foot. Ed Mitchell of Apollo 14 ...
...service connection for a bilateral foot disability, to include plantar fasciitis...records show that he was treated on two occasions for complaints ...
...children with DMD are unable to run or jump. The calf muscles, and less commonly...Breathing and swallowing difficulties Foot problems The cognitive ...
...improve the visitor experience at the Jump Creek Recreation Site, located seven...Recreation at the site, known for its 60-foot waterfall, has almost ...
Customized foot plates attached to the foot ring of an ankle-spanning circular...circular external fixator and a customized foot plate treated by the ...
...service connection for a bilateral foot disability, to include joint pain and...disability. 13. The Veteran's bilateral foot disability was not shown ...
Aweda Abed Al-Amer, 48, grieves over two members of her family found in a mass...someone led me out. After walking for two days, we reached Iran.' ...